
授業記録①in スペイン大学院 English as a Lingua Franca: about "Don't insist on English!"


1. What is the main point of the talk?

Each language has each own knowledge
Losing a language means losing the knowledge we would never know

1. このトークの主ポイントは?


2. How far do you agree with her opinions?

I totally agree with the opinion that each language has each knowledge. In Japanese, we have a lot of expressions that google translate or any other translation programs cannot translate properly. These words are based on our natural and cultural resources. For example, the word mottainai:

Ubiquitous in daily life, mottainai has been the go-to admonishment for waste in Japan for centuries, representing a meaningful connection between item and owner that’s deeply rooted in Buddhist culture. Focussing on the essence of objects, it encourages people to look beyond our throwaway culture and value each item independently, adding the fourth “R” of “respect” to the well-known mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle”.
(BBC. (n.d.). Japan's ancient way to save the planet. BBC Travel. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20200308-japans-ancient-way-to-save-the-planet. )

I sometimes struggled with word-usage differences when I talked with people from other countries. Although we have a different history and culture, I want to convey Japanese connotations well in English.

2. どのくらい彼女の意見に賛成?


(BBC. (n.d.). Japan's ancient way to save the planet. BBC Travel. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20200308-japans-ancient-way-to-save-the-planet. )


3. Do you think that the power of English as a Lingua Franca divides peoples or unites them?

For me as a Japanese, English as a Lingua Franca has been dividing Japanese people from the world. In terms of economics, even Japan was the second largest economical country 30 years ago, Japan became the fourth in GDP ranking now and there are fewer companies which can compete against the world’s ones because it is often said that English communication and negotiation skills are lacking.

However, I am now able to communicate with people all over the world in this master’s program, and also thanks to technology, we can know the situations on the other side of the world immediately such as disasters, terrors, or any other important circumstances. When you wanted to help somebody or when you needed help from somebody, it became much easier than before technology development. English as a Lingua Franca spread with technology, so I hope that people can find ways to utilize it to unites people around the world.

3. リンガフランカとしての英語の力は、民族を分断する?団結させる?


