
The moon day Curry Night 20191112

Hi, Guys!!

I would like to say thank you that you always press the "good" button. That makes me my motivation to write this note every day. I always appreciate it.

Today, it is Full moon day. For yogis, it is a special day that Because we have no practice in full and new moon day. We practice almost five days a week so these days are the rest of the day for yogis.

Anyway, I joined the curry night tonight.

I booked 3 months before and I'm very excited to eat real spice curry!!!

I love that kind of curry since I ate in Tokyo with one of my yogi friends.

I lost the way but finally, I arrived at the curry house.

There are already 5 people and a curry owner in the restaurant.

I enjoyed the meals and some dessert and drinks.

I love spicy food so I felt so happy and was satisfied with curry.

We talked about curry, spice, and India.

I have no chance to go there yet. But I think someday I will go to India...I don't know when or why I think so. But the timing is coming one day :)

I am very full in my stomach!!!

I'm afraid about my practice tomorrow🥵

But I had a good time and food tonight.

Thank you for the meal and nice to meet you.

Have a good night, guys!!
