


その名も"What would you do"




I saw several very unique and interesting responses. My first impression of their responses was that "Japanese people's responses may be a little different".
It was nice to see so many adults listening to children and expressing their opinions.

I think Japanese people (at least I am) are very strict about talking to strangers and behaving in a public place in a way that is not in line with the TPO. Isn't it?

While these responses were good in some respects, I felt that I had a lot to learn from the frankness of Americans and the seriousness of dealing with them, even if they were children.

Now I think about what I would do if I were visited by a child.

I still don't think they should play in places like the inside of a store. I want to teach them well, even if they are children.

"Superheroes are role models for everyone, right? Do you think everyone's role models will be fussy in the store? Let's think it over."

This is how I want to respond. I hope I can encourage him to voluntarily change his thoughts and actions.

