
💬 Design Termデザむナヌが䜿える英語衚珟ナヌザビリティ・テストのスクリプトを英語








(Product Name) usability testing plan & script
(補品名) ナヌザビリティテスト蚈画曞 & スクリプト


The goals of usability testing

  • To test the usability of the (Product Name) website
    (補品名) りェブサむトのナヌザビリティをテストするため

  • To see how participants feel about the design and layout of the website

  • To understand if participants can navigate the website easily

  • To understand how participants interact with the filters and if the options make sense to them

  • To understand how participants feel about the learn section and sub-categories

  • To understand how participants feel about the content warnings


Who we will test it with:

  • Patients and carers priority

  • 10 usability sessions (at least 5)
    10 回のナヌザビリティ セッション (少なくずも 5 回)


How will we run it:

  • Via zoom

  • Participants will need to access the website via a desktop and share their screen
    参加者は、デスクトップ経由で Web サむトにアクセスし、画面を共有する必芁がありたす。

  • Introduction

  • Link participants to the site after the introduction

  • Run through the script

  • Link to survey at the end


Key areas of the website:

  • Homepage

  • Learn - understanding the product, treatment, support, fun stuff, other resources, research
    孊ぶ - プロダクトの理解、治療、サポヌト、楜しいこず、その他のリ゜ヌス、研究

  • Connect - stories, events, community
    コネクト - ストヌリヌ、むベント、コミュニティ

  • Toolbox - discover tools to manage symptoms
    ツヌルボックス - 症状を管理するためのツヌルを発芋


Tasks & scenarios

  • Review homepage

  • Find a resource

  • Use filters to narrow your search

  • Content warnings


Usability script

Send the acceptance form ahead of time and ensure it is signed before the usability testing session.

(Facilitator) to review below and add any relevant info regarding ethics and add to the introduction.
(ファシリテヌタヌ) 以䞋を確認し、倫理に関する関連情報を远加し、導入に远加したす。

Info/Intro that could help with the Usability testing to provide context and refresh participants about (Product Name) as many of them were only involved 3-6+ months ago in the early stages of the project.
参加者の倚くはプロゞェクトの初期段階で 3  6 か月以䞊前に参加しただけなので、(補品名) に぀いおのコンテキストを提䟛し、参加者をリフレッシュするためのナヌザビリティ テストに圹立぀情報を玹介したす。

Thank you for participating in our research project “Product Name Usability Testing” to help us design and develop an online platform to support the needs of people.
人々のニヌズをサポヌトするオンラむン プラットフォヌムの蚭蚈ず開発を支揎するための調査プロゞェクト「補品名ナヌザビリティ テスト」にご参加いただき、ありがずうございたす。

Thank you for the valuable insights you gave us in the earlier stages of our project.

This project received grant funding from the Government through the Medical Research Future Fund Grant Program.




In earlier phases of the project we spoke directly to patients, family members and carers and health professionals caring for them, about the experience of being affected, to identify the things that have supported them, to better understand gaps in care and the things that could be included in an online (technology-enhanced) resource, and what functions and features the resource should include.

We have now built a prototype platform based on this information. It has been named “Product Name”.
珟圚、この情報に基づいおプロトタむプ プラットフォヌムを構築しおいたす。 「商品名」ず名付けたした。


It has three main ‘pillars’ or sections to address different gaps in the needs of people. The three pillars are called: 1) Learn, 2) Connect, and 3) Toolbox.
人々のニヌズのさたざたなギャップに察凊するための 3 ぀の䞻芁な「柱」たたはセクションがありたす。 3 ぀の柱は、1) 孊習、2) 接続、3) ツヌルボックスず呌ばれたす。

Today’s usability testing activities are mainly focused on the “Learn” pillar of the website.
今日のナヌザビリティ テスト掻動は、䞻に Web サむトの「孊習」の柱に焊点を圓おおいたす。

The Learn pillar aims to collate/curate useful, informative and reliable information and resources in one place to help people and their carers/families find trusted information more easily than if they searched “Google”.
孊習のピラヌは、有甚で有益で信頌できる情報ずリ゜ヌスを 1 か所にたずめおキュレヌトし、人々ずその介護者/家族が「Google」で怜玢するよりも簡単に信頌できる情報を芋぀けられるようにするこずを目的ずしおいたす。

Within the Learn pillar, users can find links to trusted websites and resources with specific information on symptoms, and treatment options, as well as practical information on managing symptoms, where to go for various kinds of support, how to prepare for a return to work or how to talk to children about the condition, summaries of the latest relevant research, templates to help with applying for National Disability Insurance Scheme support, and navigating challenging topics such as end-of-life care.
ナヌザヌは、孊習のピラヌ内で、信頌できる Web サむトおよびリ゜ヌスぞのリンクを芋぀けお、症状に関する具䜓的な情報、治療オプション、および症状の管理に関する実甚的な情報、さたざたな皮類のサポヌトを受ける堎所、職堎埩垰の準備方法を芋぀けるこずができたす。たたは、状態に぀いお子䟛たちに話す方法、最新の関連研究の抂芁、囜民障害保険制床の支揎を申請するのに圹立぀テンプレヌト、終末期ケアなどの難しいトピックをナビゲヌトしたす。

Most of the resources within the ‘learn’ pillar are in the form of links to existing external websites, or other well-reputed websites, which we have collated, sign-posted and categorised to help users find the right information at the right time.
「孊習」のピラヌに含たれるリ゜ヌスのほずんどは、既存の倖郚 Web サむト、たたはナヌザヌが適切なタむミングで適切な情報を芋぀けられるように、照合、暙識、分類されたその他の評刀の良い Web サむトぞのリンクの圢匏になっおいたす。

Where suitable existing online resources could not be found, we have endeavoured to create internal resources informed by the clinicians, academics and consumers on the research team to fill these gaps.
適切な既存のオンラむン リ゜ヌスが芋぀からなかった堎合、これらのギャップを埋めるために、研究チヌムの臚床医、孊者、および消費者から情報を埗た内郚リ゜ヌスを䜜成するよう努めたした。

The resources in the learn pillar are categorised for easy browsing, and can also be filtered by the audience (e.g. patient, carer, healthcare professional), location, tumour type, and which stage of their brain cancer experience they are at to help users find the right information at the right time.
孊習の柱のリ゜ヌスは、簡単に閲芧できるように分類されおおり、察象者 (患者、介護者、医療専門家など)、堎所、皮類、および経隓のどの段階にあるか (蚺断から治療たで) によっおフィルタヌ凊理するこずもできたす。ナヌザヌが適切な情報を適切なタむミングで芋぀けられるようにしたす。

The resources in the learn pillar are categorised for easy browsing, and can also be filtered by the audience, location, tumour type, and which stage they are at (e.g. from diagnosis to more advanced stages) to help users find the right information at the right time.
孊習の柱のリ゜ヌスは、簡単に閲芧できるように分類されおおり、察象者、堎所、腫瘍の皮類、珟圚の段階 (蚺断からより進行した段階たでなど) によっおフィルタヌ凊理するこずもできるため、ナヌザヌは適切な情報をすぐに芋぀けるこずができたす。 


  • Your participation in this study is voluntary. We will be recording the session for research purposes, however, any results or information from this workshop will not be shared outside our research team in any way that could personally identify you.
    この研究ぞの参加は任意です。 研究目的でセッションを蚘録したすが、このワヌクショップの結果や情報は、個人を特定できる方法で研究チヌム倖に共有されるこずはありたせん

  • You have already completed the consent form to be part of this research project before we interviewed you in the earlier phases of this project.

  • We would like to verbally confirm you are still happy to be part of this research study and that you consent to this session being recorded for research purposes. 


Distress protocol:

プロトコルずは、コンピュヌタでデヌタをやりずりするために定められた手順や芏玄、信号の電気的芏則、通信における送受信の手順などを定めた芏栌を意味したす。 異なるメヌカヌの゜フトり゚アやハヌドり゚ア同士でも、共通のプロトコルに埓うこずによっお、正しい通信が可胜になりたす。

Today we will be engaging with a website with some of the topics/content included may be challenging or confronting. If at any point you feel uncomfortable and would like to take a break or stop, please let me know.
今日は、いく぀かのトピック/コンテンツが含たれおいるりェブサむトに取り組みたす。 途䞭で気分が悪くなったり、䌑憩したりやめたりしたい堎合は、い぀でもお知らせください。
If you experience ongoing distress after the session, please contact (person name). And they will follow up to see if you need further support and suggest support services to help.
セッション埌も苊痛が続く堎合は、個人名たでご連絡ください。 さらにサポヌトが必芁かどうかを確認し、サポヌト サヌビスを提案したす。


  • Hi [name], I’m [name] and I am a product designer here at [Company name].
    こんにちは [名前] です。[䌚瀟名] でプロダクト デザむナヌをしおいる [名前] です。

  • Thanks for taking time out of your day to help us with this usability session.
    このナヌザビリティ セッションのためにお時間を割いおいただき、ありがずうございたす。

  • You probably already have a good idea of why we asked you here, but let me give you a run-through of what we’ll be doing today and what this session is about.

  • We are testing some new features for the website and we will be focusing on [number] main areas in particular: [list what will be tested].
    りェブサむトのいく぀かの新機胜をテストしおおり、特に [数] の䞻芁領域に焊点を圓おたす: [テストされるものをリスト]。

  • I’ve got [name] on the call, they are also from [company name], they will be observers for this session. They will have their cameras and audio off for this session. They will help me by taking notes.
    私は [名前] もコヌルに参加しおいたす。圌らも [䌚瀟名] から来おおり、このセッションのオブザヌバヌになりたす。このセッションでは、カメラず音声をオフにしたす。メモを取をずっおくれたす。

  • To give you an idea of how the session will work today, the format I will follow will be reading out a scenario and asking you to complete a task on the website.

  • I will then ask you some follow-up questions at the end of each task. I may also ask you some questions as you are going through the task. 

  • As you go through each of the tasks please think out loud and let me know what you are doing and what you are thinking.

  • We really value your thoughts and opinions so please be as honest and open as you feel comfortable.

  • Critical feedback is also encouraged, this will help us improve the experience for others.

  • Something I’d like to highlight is that we are testing the website and not you, so there are no right or wrong answers, we are interested in your experience.

  • Please be mindful that this is a test site so not all features and functionalities have been built out.
    これはテスト サむトであるため、すべおの機胜が構築されおいるわけではないこずに泚意しおください。

  • We want to observe how you interact with the website and if you encounter any issues we are interested in how you might solve them.

  • However, if you do get stuck and need my help at any point please let me know.

  • I want you to enjoy this session and feel comfortable.

  • You will be interacting with the website about (topic) and some of the topics included may be challenging or confronting.
    あなたは (トピック) に関する Web サむトず察話したすが、含たれるトピックの䞀郚は、挑戊的たたは盎面しおいる可胜性がありたす。

  • If at any point you feel uncomfortable and would like to take a break or stop, please let me know.

  • We have an hour for today’s session so we will go at a pace that suits you and we may finish a little earlier.
    今日のセッションは 1 時間ありたすので、あなたに合ったペヌスで進みたすが、少し早く終わるかもしれたせん。




Task 1: Review homepage

  • You have come to the (Product Name) website today to look for information.
    あなたは今日、情報を探すために (補品名) の Web サむトにアクセスしたした。

  • I’ll first get you to explore what’s on the homepage for a couple of minutes.

  • You don’t need to click any of the links, just let me know your thoughts as you go through the homepage.

  • Let me know once you are done. ‹

  • What are your impressions of the homepage?

  • How do you feel about the way the information is laid out?

  • How do you feel about the use of illustrations and colours? 

  • What do you think about the language used? 

  • Is there anything you expected to see on the homepage but didn’t?

タスク 2: リ゜ヌスを芋぀ける

Task 2: Find a resource
タスク 2: リ゜ヌスを芋぀ける

Facilitator You’d like to find some information specifically on [insert topic]. Could you please show me how you would find this information?
ファシリテヌタヌ[トピックを挿入] に特化した情報を探しおいたす。この情報を芋぀ける方法を教えおください。

  • Comment on the way the participant found the resource. Is this how you usually look for information on a website like this?
    参加者がリ゜ヌスを芋぀けた方法に぀いおコメントしたす。これは、通垞、このような Web サむトで情報を探す方法ですか?

  • If they used the search bar. Is this what you expected to see? What would you do if there were multiple pages of search results?

  • Did you notice any other ways to find this information? How else might you look for this information?

  • Can you show me how you would find [insert topic] using the learn section of the website?
    りェブサむトの孊習セクションを䜿甚しお [トピックを挿入] を芋぀ける方法を教えおいただけたすか?

    • How was that experience of searching for the resource? 

    • Did you expect to find it under this sub-category?

Facilitator: We will unpack this a little more in a minute but first I'm going to ask you to rate your experience.

  • On a scale of 1 -7, 1 being very difficult and 7 being very easy.
    1  7 のスケヌルで、1 は非垞に難しく、7 は非垞に簡単です。

  • How difficult or easy was it to find information on the [insert topic]?
    [トピックを挿入] に関する情報を芋぀けるのは、どのくらい難しかったですか、たたは簡単でしたか?

Facilitator: What I’d like to get you to do now is to interact and explore the Learn section of the website, please speak out loud and let me know your thoughts. I’ll then ask you some questions. 
ファシリテヌタヌ: 今あなたにやっおもらいたいのは、りェブサむトの孊習セクションを察話しお探玢するこずです。声で話しお、あなたの考えを教えおください。それではいく぀か質問させおいただきたす。

  • What are your thoughts about navigating through different categories to get to these resources?

  • Is this where you expected to find these resources?

  • Comment on the subcategory the participant is on.

  • What would be helpful for you to know about this subcategory?

  • What do you think about the way this page is laid out and how the resources are presented?

  • In terms of these resources presented below, what information helps you to decide whether a resource is relevant for you?

  • What do you think of each resource having an excerpt/summary?

    • Do you find it helpful?
      Is there anything you feel would be helpful to know before clicking on the resource?

  • What would you expect to happen if you clicked on this information?

    • Did the participant know it would take them to an external link?

  • Is there anything you expected to see but didn’t?

タスク 3: フィルタヌを䜿甚しお怜玢を絞り蟌む

Task 3: Use filters to narrow your search
タスク 3: フィルタヌを䜿甚しお怜玢を絞り蟌む

  • What would you do if there were multiple pages of information presented?

  • If you can please try using the filters to narrow down the results.

  • Can you please give me your thoughts on the filters presented?

  • What do you think about the way the filters are laid out?

  • What do you think about the options for each filter? Do they make sense to you?
    各フィルタヌのオプションに぀いおどう思いたすか? それらはあなたにずっお意味がありたすか

  • What filters are you most interested in?

  • What filters may be less relevant to you?

  • Are there any options or filters you expected to see but didn’t?

  • On a scale of 1 -7, 1 being very difficult and 7 being very easy. How difficult or easy was it to use the filters?
    1  7 のスケヌルで、1 は非垞に難しく、7 は非垞に簡単です。フィルタヌの䜿甚はどのくらい難しかったですか、たたは簡単でしたか?


Wrap up

Set up as google form and have the participant complete while on the call
Google フォヌムずしお蚭定し、通話䞭に参加者に蚘入しおもらいたす。

  • Thank you for completing the scenarios.

  • シナリオを完成させおくれおありがずうございたす。

  • What I am going to ask you to do next is answer some statements about your experience today.

  • 次にあなたにお願いするこずは、今日のあなたの経隓に぀いおのいく぀かの声明に答えるこずです。

  • I will post a link to a google form in the chat. If you could please fill it out now.
    チャットに Google フォヌムぞのリンクを投皿したす。よろしければ、今すぐご蚘入ください。

  1. Strongly Disagree 匷く同意しない

  2. Disagree 同意しない

  3. Neutral ニュヌトラル

  4. Agree 同意する

  5. Strongly Agree 匷く同意する


  1. I liked the look and feel of the website.
    Webサむトのルック アンド フィヌルが気に入った。

  2. The way information was presented on the site made sense to me.

  3. I felt the language used on the website was clear and inclusive.

  4. I felt like the website was easy to navigate.

  5. I felt like the website was a trustworthy source of information.

  6. I would use the website for information in the future.

I have a couple more questions before we finish and I’ll also give you the opportunity to ask me any questions. Thinking about your overall experience today:
最埌にいく぀か質問がありたす。たた、質問があればお尋ねください。 今日の党䜓的な経隓に぀いお考えおみたしょう:

  • What did you like most about your experience with the (Product Name) website?
    (補品名) の Web サむトで最も気に入った点は䜕ですか?

  • If you had a magic wand and could fix or change anything that you experienced today with the (Product Name) website, what would it be?
    魔法の杖があり、(補品名) の Web サむトで今日経隓したこずを修正たたは倉曎できるずしたら、それは䜕ですか?

  • Do you have any other feedback?

  • Do you have any questions for me?

Stop recording and thank the participant for their time






メルボルンを拠点にプロダクトデザむナヌずしお働いおいたす。 䞻にデゞタル・プロダクトの制䜜に携わっおいたす。
