
#レミリア・スカーレット レミリアの名は、ラテン語名詞の語幹https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Remo#Latin  と語尾https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-ilia の組み合わせとして分析できる。「双生すべきの存在」。つまり(「命と滅び」の双生の運命の)真名より「盛」の影に「滅び」の妹が必ず存在いるの意味が込められている。#東方project #レミリア

The name Remilia can be analyzed as a comb ination of a Latin noun stem https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Remo#Latin
and a word ending
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-ilia, which can be analyzed as a a Latin noun that says, "the being that should be twin-born."
In other words, the name of Remilia conveys her quintessence in the twin destinies of "life and perdition"; the name "Remilia" holds the meaning that there is always a sister of "perdition" in the shadow of "prosperity".

Remilia 蕾米莉亞这个名字可以分析为拉丁名词词干

https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Remo#Latin 和詞尾https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-ilia,的結合詞,可分析为拉丁名词,意为 "是應爲双生的存在"。
换句话说,蕾米莉亚这个名字传达了她在 "生命与毁灭 "这雙生叠加的命运中的真諦;"蕾米莉亚 "这个名字蕴含着 "繁荣 "的阴影下总有一个 "毁灭 "的姐妹的含义。

#東方project 妹の #フランドール・スカーレット  の方が、字源学的に「水の流れ」「皿洗い」と「(人生の)流れの無常」の様に分析できます。奇妙な事もありますね https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Flanders#English

Incidentally Flandre's name also can mean "flow of water" "dish-washing flow" or "transitoriness of life". https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Flanders#English
It is a weird thing to know touhou vampires might have real Latin-based names for invocation and summoning.
oh, hocus, pocus, thingamus.

顺便提一下,Flandre 弗蘭德爾的名字也有 "水流"、"洗碗的水流 "或 "(比作流水的)世間無常 "的意思。https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Flanders#English

https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-ilia は長音の「イー」リアの件について聞くな!

Don't tell me that I forgot the long vowel I in  īlia.
Mio Italiano!
