
My life



My morning routine.

Today I’m going to introduce my morning routine.
Morning routine organizes my mind and body and makes my rhythm.

①I wake up and open the curtains.
②I listen to news from Amazon echo.
③I have breakfas


My night routine(ナイトルーティン)

My night routine

Today I’m gonna introduce my night routine,
Night routine makes my mind and body tired from work reset and rest.

①I usually have dinner . My dinner is rice , tofu ,miso soup and Kim


Pouplle of Chimney town.

I watched the movie“ Poupelle of Chimney Town" made by Akihiro Nishino.
I was excited to watch it.

This story is about a town where there are a lot of chimney .
People can never see the stars and s



One of the best things that I bought in 2021 is a E-book.

E-book name is amazon kindle paper white.

I was able to discard The books which I have in my house. As a result my house became more spacio


My diary on reading (読書日記)

Recently i have come across Youtube channels that summarizes books .

I can tell that these people who does these things are very smart and intelligent.

For instance , i practice walking in the mo


One of the best things that I bought in 2021 is cleaning robot【2021年買ってよかったお掃除ロボット】

Starting from today I‘m gonna be writing about the things that I bought in 2021.

I wanna start with one of the best things that i bought in 2021, which is the cleaning robot.

Everyday when I leave m


I am a minimalist?(僕はミニマリスト?)

I realized that I am a minimalist yesterday.
I was told that I was a minimalist by English teacher online.
As I see it, It is hard for me to manage a lot of things, information,data.
I discarded thing


My room (僕の部屋)

When I clean my room I have a goal in mind to maintain cleanliness and tidiness. Five years ago, I read the book , " The magic To cleaning up your life " which is written by Marie Kondo. I realized th


I am gonna take care of myself!

I was told that your goal needs to be measurable by Englsidh teacher.
So today I'm writing about taking care of myself which is one of the my goal for this year detail .
Last october I was not able t


My goal for this year(今年の目標)

I'm writing my goal for this year in my diary.
I have 4 goals for this year.
1. I'm gonna do my best at my job
2. I'm gonna reduce my living expenses and save money
3. I'm gonna be able to speak Eng
