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I'm Misato Kaitsu from Japan.
I am a Japanese writer.

Today I will give a speech about feminism. Japan faces many gender issues. So today, for the first time in my life, I'm going to talk about feminism.
I hope my voice reaches the world.



What comes to your mind if you hear the word “feminism “.

Radical ideas? A dangerous claim? Women who hate men?
過激なアイデア? 危険な主張?男嫌いの女?

If any of these applied to you, it is a misconception .

Feminism is an ideology for everyone to live without discrimination. In other words, it's not just for men or just for women.

There was a time when women were told that they didn't need to study.

There was a time when women did not have the right to vote.

There was a time when women were told that playing sports was a shame.

There was a time when women could not work in society.

There were women who opposed such discrimination and changed the society.

Thanks to that, I’m now free to choose a career, vote in elections, play sports, and study.

Nevertheless, I had misconception of feminism.

Gender is a very sensitive topic in Japan. In Japan, feminists are seem as people with radical ideas.
Today I stand on stage and talk to everyone about feminism, but I couldn't do that in Japan.
日本では、フェミニストは過激な思想を持つ人々とみなされています。 今日はこうして舞台に立ち、みなさんにフェミニズムについて語っていますが、日本ではできませんでした。

I mean, I believed I was a feminist, but I was afraid to tell other people. Because I didn't want other people to hate me for the reason of misconception of the idea of feminist.
つまり、私は自分がフェミニストであると信じていましたが、他の人に言うのを恐れていたのです。 なぜならフェミニストの考えに対する誤解を理由に、他人から嫌われたくなかったからです。

But now I'm not scared anymore. I don't even hold back.
Because I don't want to give up on my life just because I'm a woman.

It was an inspiration for me to change because of the female JIC teachers who gave their opinions about feminism.

When I told them “I am a feminist”, they said, “Me too!”

When I spoke to them about Japan's gender issues, they expressed their anger and empathy, and joined me in facing our fears.

My teachers told me  "Believe in yourself. Be confident. Value your beliefs and claims. As a writer, keep writing articles about feminism, because it means a lot."
「自分を信じて。 自信を持って。 自分の信念や意見を大切にして。 ライターとして、フェミニズムについて書き続けて。それは大きな意味があることだから」

I was very moved and empowered by the teacher's words.
I learned to love myself. I'm not alone. That was the first time in my life that I found feminist friends.

Thanks to the Filipino female teachers, I had the courage to stand up against discrimination and oppression. I was ready to fight for myself and many other women.


Why hasn't Japan had a female prime minister?

Why are there so few female leaders in Japanese companies?

Why is it difficult for Japanese women to balance work and childcare?

Why are there only men who are doctors and only women who are nurses?

Why is there a wage gap between men and women?

Why are there magazines with nude photos of women in Japanese convenience stores?

Why can't most Japanese women choose their own lastname when they get married?

Is it okay for Japanese women to stay like this?


My occupation is a writer. I want the power to change the world with the power of a pen.
私の職業はライターです。 ペンの力で世界を変える力が欲しい。

For that to happen, I first need to change.

I am confident with myself, value my beliefs, and express my opinions.

I am now trying to be reborn as a strong woman.

I'm proud to be a feminist.

I hope that gender issues will disappear from the world.
I wish for a world where men and women are equal in government, businesses, and families. I hope that the day will come when women around the world will no longer suffer from sexism.












2012年12月にTEDxEustonで行われた、ナイジェリアの作家・チママンダ・ンゴズィ・アディーチェさんによるTEDxトーク「We Should All Be Feminists(男も女もみんなフェミニストでなきゃ)」のように。













**English ver**

When I gave a speech about feminism in the Philippines, I received applause and couldn't stop crying.

That day, I stood on stage. The voice came through easily. It was coming out from the bottom of my stomach. Before I knew it, I was confidently giving a presentation. And at the end, there was a standing ovation.


The language school I attend in the Philippines has speech and presentation tests (depending on the course). Students decide on their own topic, create a script, receive instruction in grammar, pronunciation, and stage performance during class, and then perform on their own in front of an audience on the day of the event, while practicing on their own after school.

When my teacher asked me, ``Misato, what topic would you like to talk about?'' Without hesitation, I said, ``I want to talk about feminism.'' It's been two months since I came to the Philippines. I have talked a lot with my teachers about feminism, women's lives, and gender issues. There was also a considerable change in my state of mind. I wanted to give a speech about that.

There are few female leaders in Japanese companies. There is a wage disparity between men and women. Patriarchy is deeply rooted. Most Japanese politicians are men. It's commonplace in Japanese convenience stores to carry magazines with pictures of women in swimsuits. Japan has not had a female prime minister, and there is no sign of one. Most Japanese women cannot choose their own surname when they get married.

What I didn't like about the words and things a man said to me. The pressure felt by the country's efforts to counter the declining birthrate. A casual rude word said by someone who is a generation away from you.

I feel confused. I feel different. But I can't say it back. I don't have confidence in what I say or what I feel. It's a sensitive topic so I can't talk about it casually.

As I was lamenting this, my teachers told me straight up, ``If something is wrong, it's okay to say it's wrong!''

Women in the Philippines, Asia's most gender-equal country, were strong. Not only was he angry, but he always had a healthy cheerfulness about him. He never gave up and spoke out against social issues. I had faith. He faced life positively.

People who can wholeheartedly accept and believe in themselves may be able to behave the same way towards others. Because my teachers believed in me more than I did.

Even when I thought it was impossible, he insisted, ``It's not impossible, I can do it.'' "I don't really want to give a speech. I can't do it," I said in a weak tone, but he reminded me of my motivation, saying, "What you want to convey to the world is something meaningful that will encourage people, right?" Whenever I felt discouraged, saying, ``I can't speak English to begin with,'' he would encourage me and say, ``Even if you can't do it now, you can someday.So don't give up, just keep going.'' He wholeheartedly believed in my efforts, dreams, and opinions. However, the pressure of choosing such a sensitive topic stayed with me until the end. The fear of standing on stage also stuck in my heart.

Because the anti-comments from Japan were in the back of my mind. After coming to the Philippines, I wrote several articles related to feminism.

Thankfully, I received heartwarming and happy comments from friends and acquaintances, such as ``I was moved,'' ``I gained courage,'' and ``I support you.'' However, anti-comments from anonymous people continued.

I felt angry and depressed. I cried tears of frustration. I felt hopelessly alone. She also lost confidence. Many times I felt like I couldn't do it anymore and thought about quitting. If you stop raising your voice, if you keep your mouth shut, if you deceive yourself, if you give up on fighting, you won't be attacked by people you don't know well. You don't have to get hurt.

I was also confused by how my true feelings became more and more exposed after coming to the Philippines. In my case, I didn't have many opportunities to express my opinions and feelings so openly in Japan. Don't go out of your way to express that there are pros and cons. Even if I think about it, I won't say it. Don't say anything that will disturb the mood. Even if I say that, I'll turn into an oblate. We often decide our own behavior by looking at people's complexions.

I was afraid to remove the limiter that allows me to read the atmosphere. I wonder what my Japanese friends would say if they saw me: ``Will people think I'm a strong-minded person or an extreme person?'' ``Will people think I'm weird?'' What do you think? The person there was a 28-year-old Japanese woman living in Japan.

Even so, her Filipino female teachers gave her unwavering support.

"Be confident." "You don't have to compare yourself to others." "You decide what your body is like." "If you want to change the world, you have to change yourself first." "I need someone who is on my side, not against me." Focus on your opinions.” “Keep writing. Remember that you have allies.” “It matters.”

And on the day.

There were several audience members in front of me. There were also panelists, teachers, and Japanese male and female students. My teacher, who always encourages me, also came to see me.

For me, it wasn't just a speech for a school test. It was the first time in my life that I was able to ``deliver my voice to the world.''

I took a deep breath, stood on stage, and faced the scene in front of me with a smile on my face.

Deliver my voice to the world──

A pleasant morning  to everyone. I'm Misato Kaitsu from Japan.
I am a Japanese writer.
Today I will give a speech about feminism. Japan faces many gender issues. So today, for the first time in my life, I'm going to talk about feminism. I hope my voice reaches the world.


What comes to your mind if you hear the word“feminism“.Radical ideas? A dangerous claim? Women who hate men?If any of these applied to you, it is a misconception .

Feminism is an ideology for everyone to live without discrimination. In other words, it's not just for men or just for women.There was a time when women were told that they didn't need to study.

There was a time when women did not have the right to vote.
There was a time when women were told that playing sports was a shame.There was a time when women could not work in society.

There were women who opposed such discrimination and changed the society.Thanks to that, I’m now free to choose a career, vote in elections, play sports, and study.Nevertheless, I had misconception of feminism.

Gender is a very sensitive topic in Japan. In Japan, feminists are seem as people with radical ideas.Today I stand on stage and talk to everyone about feminism, but I couldn't do that in Japan.

I mean, I believed I was a feminist, but I was afraid to tell other people. Because I didn't want other people to hate me for the reason of misconception of the idea of feminist.

But now I'm not scared anymore. I don't even hold back.Because I don't want to give up on my life just because I'm a woman.

It was an inspiration for me to change because of the female JIC teachers who gave their opinions about feminism.

When I told them “I am a feminist”, they said, “Me too!”
When I spoke to them about Japan's gender issues, they expressed their anger and empathy, and joined me in facing our fears.

My teachers told me  "Believe in yourself. Be confident. Value your beliefs and claims. As a writer, keep writing articles about feminism, because it means a lot.

I was very moved and empowered by the teacher's words.I learned to love myself. I'm not alone. That was the first time in my life that I found feminist friends.

Thanks to the Filipino female teachers, I had the courage to stand up against discrimination and oppression. I was ready to fight for myself and many other women.


Why hasn't Japan had a female prime minister?

Why are there so few female leaders in Japanese companies?

Why is it difficult for Japanese women to balance work and childcare?

Why are there only men who are doctors and only women who are nurses?

Why is there a wage gap between men and women?

Why are there magazines with nude photos of women in Japanese convenience stores?

Why can't most Japanese women choose their own lastname when they get married?

Is it okay for Japanese women to stay like this?


My occupation is a writer. I want the power to change the world with the power of a pen.

For that to happen, I first need to change.I am confident with myself, value my beliefs, and express my opinions.I am now trying to be reborn as a strong woman.I'm proud to be a feminist.

I hope that gender issues will disappear from the world.I wish for a world where men and women are equal in government, businesses, and families. I hope that the day will come when women around the world will no longer suffer from sexism.

After the presentation, there was a resounding applause. I was bathed in it. I couldn't believe the scene in front of me. I couldn't stop crying out of emotion.

A few months ago, I was scared to say "I might be a feminist," but now I was standing on stage, conveying my opinions with my own voice and receiving agreement from the people in front of me. Tears flowed endlessly.

Like a bird realizing it has wings and can soar into the sky, I spread my wings freely. Without being oppressed by anyone, without being silenced, I spoke my thoughts as I felt them.

And during the speech, the audience was very enthusiastic.

"Yes!!! agreeee!!!!" "Fuuuuuu!! Foooo!!!"

Many voices of agreement and support for my claims came back. Being able to give a speech in such an environment made me very happy. The smiles, serious looks, and attentive listening directed at each of my words became my confidence and wings that allowed me to fly.

I realized that I might have always wanted to "speak out" like this.

Like British actress Emma Watson, who gave a speech at the United Nations Headquarters on September 20, 2014.

“If women are scared to use the word feminism, how on earth are we going to get men to start using it too? Ask yourself: If not me, who will? If not now, when? ”


Like the TEDx talk by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, ``We Should All Be Feminists,'' held at TEDxEuston in December 2012.

"I'm not a man hater, I'm a happy African feminist who wears lip gloss and heels for myself, not for men!"


I also wanted to stand on that stage.

Even though I thought it was impossible for me, I must have thought about it somewhere.

Don't just watch them on YouTube. Don't just keep complaining. Instead of being aware of the problem and remaining silent.

Even I have a mouth. Even I have feelings. I have anger too. I have the power to take my own happiness into my own hands.

They not only lament the unchanging reality, but also believe that even if things don't change during their lifetime, the next generation may not have to suffer, and they have the will to try to move the world forward, even if it's just by a millimeter.

And I wanted to make myself believe in myself. More than anyone else, I wanted to be recognized for having a voice.

"you can"

Today I was able to do it. I was told that I could do it. I stood on stage. I was able to speak out.

The teacher panelists said, ``It moved me.'' Every time we passed each other in the hallway, he would say, ``Your speech was great! Be confident!''

My voice has reached the world.
