
@ living abroad



Hello!I’m going to talk about  " Cultural Differences Between Japan and  USA(esp.customer service)".  By the way, I am making tutorial videos for my new original dress, please check it out!


I was born and grew up in Japan, I moved to the United States,  since my husband is American. 
I had lived in Japan for more than 30 years, but when I look at Japan again after 15 years have passed since I left Japan, I can find the peculiarities of Japan and the heterogeneity of Japan when viewed from overseas. I can see them very clear. It may not be something you can know if you lived only in Japan.
Even when I lived in Japan, when I traveled to other countries or stayed abroad for a while, I was surprised at the various differences, and I thought that overseas was special. However, if you live abroad for a long time, on the contrary, when you return to Japan, you will start to wonder how special Japan is.


For example, if you expected to get the same services like the polite behavior of a store clerk, which Japanese people take as a given, at ordinary convenience stores overseas, you will be disappointed.
If convenience store clerks chit chat with each other and delay customer service,  it may lead to complaints in Japan and it could become a big problem.  Overseas, it's a daily occurrence.

And rather, in USA, if the convenience store clerk is extra polite bowing to you, and he said "thank you for coming today I will wait you to come back again, good bye, sir(ma'am)", you may think they are crazy.
At overseas convenience stores, even if the clerk chews gum while he is serving customers with an obvious lack of enthusiasm, you should not think anything, he maybe quite normal.

Whether it's good or bad, it doesn't make sense to come abroad and expect something similar to Japan.


On the other hand, the bad side of Japan is that Japanese services are inflexible, by the book. Take fast food in Japan and the United States as an example.  In the United States, for example, if you have a hamburger menu with one pickle, one patty, lettuce, and tomato.   Let's say, you don't like the pickles and you want to eat more tomatoes that day, you can say "double the tomatoes without pickles" and they will make it exactly as you said, even if it is not written on the menu. However, in Japan, the same request would be gracefully rejected with "Sorry, We can't do that." Just because it is not written in the menu.  If you live in the United States for a long time, you might think that this is "Unbelievable. why not? I don't ask too much!".  From a Japanese company's point of view, the reason is simple, and it makes sense if you think that the service or product quality is consistent with the policy so that they can provide the same service  without discrimination no matter where we live in Japan.  It will be difficult for people living overseas to understand. This seems to be quite frustrating when an American husband goes to a Japanese restaurant.  I think that smaller mom and pop shops can offer some flexibility, but it seems difficult for larger establishments or chain stores in Japan.


 I will share one experience in the US that would never be possible in Japan.  One day I went to buy bagels.  In the United States, most payments are made with a credit card, so I tried to pay with a credit card that day, but I couldn't use a credit card at that store for less than a certain amount (I went to the cashier without noticing it even though it was written small at the cashier).  I was short about $1, so I said, "I'm sorry, I could pay with a credit card, and now I have only this cash amount, but I have some change in my car, so can you wait for a while? " The clerk said, "well, that's fine, this is on me! " The store was an ordinary bagel chain store that wasn't the usual store that I go to. This would never happen in Japan.  In Japan I don't think even a store managers can do that, but it's overseas where they can take care of small issues like this themselves and have flexibility.  Well, I think it was a special occasion, and she might have felt more trouble to wait  for me because there were other customers.  I think that the appropriateness and more casual sense are the good points of American customer service. However, I think the counter from the Japanese style is that it treats all customers highly without discrimination. You can see the good and bad points by focusing on either one, and you may feel glad or annoyed.


Essentially I'm talking about in which place one with less stress, but I think that you feel better in the place where you feel you belong after all. In that sense, I've become accustomed to here, where I've lived for more than 10 years, so I feel it's easier in the United States.  However, when I return to Japan, I feel reassured that I will always be able to receive wonderful and courteous  customer service. If the other person treats you politely, you should feel comfortable receiving that customer service, and  conversely if the person provides a casual customer service, you should enjoy a conversation that makes you feel more personable and comfortable.  I think that adjusting to the customs of the place is a method for living happily.


Today I talked about one aspect I think about living overseas.


Thank you for taking the time to read this!

