
How to stay in shape during this COVID-19 pandemic

In these difficult times of the pandemic, it is hard to motivate one to stay active. Many like to take this time to relax and enjoy some free time. Is this a good idea? No. To stay in shape and fit during the pandemic, it is very important to do something every day. Here below you will see the 5 most important things to remain in shape during the pandemic.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy is a very important factor for staying in shape during the pandemic. So stop carving on those chips and get something proper to eat that fills your stomach with energy and not fat.

Now that you have the energy, go burn it

After a meal, it is important to go for a walk. This will help you digest the food better. If you were to just go back onto the couch and start your next Netflix episode, the food won't be digested properly and you will feel hungry soon again.

Go for a run

Running is the most simple exercise to do for most people. You just slip into your running shoes and go. Running is also a very good way to burn fat + energy. Try to go on a 30-90 minutes run every day. To avoid injuries, do a proper warm-up and run at a respectable pace. You don't have to go full out every day.

Do some morning exercises

Doing exercises in the morning may not be everyone's favorite but it helps to be more awake and fit throughout the day. It also helps to build your muscles. Recommended exercises are; push-ups (腕立て伏せ), sit-ups (腹筋) and squats (スクワット). You should do three sets of 10 in the beginning and then raise the number by 2 every week.


Some of you may be used to go to a massage and get treated there. Well, now they are mostly closed so do it yourself. Stretch for 20 mins every evening and, if available, use a muscle roller. This will help your muscles to relax and be ready for the next day of training.

Be patient and never give up

This is an extra tip that is very important. Many people think that they will have a six-pack after doing 10 sit-ups, or that they will lose all their fat after a 20 min run. Don't be that person. It takes a lot of work to build on your fitness. Be patient and tell your self not to give up, the results in the future are too good to give up on.

Enjoy your training, love your training, and love and respect yourself.

Thank you for reading my article. My name is LUCABALUCA, if you liked my content please like and subscribe. Have a wonderful day!


