

僕は楽しみのために、そして皆のために英語とさまざまなトピックに関する多くの興味深い基本的な知識を学ぶことができるように書きます。僕の英語はカナダの高校レベルです。僕の研究はすべて、個人的な経験、背景知識、地元や学校のリソースに基づいています。 発音を練習YouTube


Keys to be successful in life

Before we start, I want you to think about what makes you happy. Think of three things that make you happy. Now, ask your self, "What do I really want to do?" What did you find out? Is there a relationship between the two questions? If yo

    • How to stay in shape during this COVID-19 pandemic

      In these difficult times of the pandemic, it is hard to motivate one to stay active. Many like to take this time to relax and enjoy some free time. Is this a good idea? No. To stay in shape and fit during the pandemic, it is very important

      • Is it good for kids to have smartphones?

        Have you noticed how many young children use smartphones now? Is it good for them? In this article, you will find the answer. First, what is the reason parents give their child a phone? There are a few options, for safety, entertainment, ed

      Keys to be successful in life