
第2回京都文学レジデンシー参加者紹介③ジョセフィン・ロウ(Josephine Rowe)

Kyoto Writers Residency 02 will be held from 30 September. Today we present Josephine Rowe, a young standard-bearer of Australian literature who will be taking part in the residency. We also post a short story by Ms Rowe on the subject of relics(original English text and Japanese translated text). The translation is by Shinichiro Mori. Please enjoy reading it.

About Kyoto Writers Residency. To attend the Opening Forum on 1 Oct.

ジョセフィン・ロウ(Josephine Rowe)


作家。オーストラリア出⾝。2017年と2020年の2度『シドニー・モーニングヘラルド』最優秀新⼈作家に選出。2017年のデビュー⼩説"A Loving, Faithful Animal"は、Miles Franklin Literary Awardの最終候補作、そして『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』お勧めの⼀冊に選ばれる。他の著作も含めドイツ語、イタリア語、フランス語に翻訳されている。

Josephine Rowe is an Australian writer of award-winning fiction, poetry, and essays. She has twice been named a "Sydney Morning Herald" Best Young Australian Novelist (2017 & 2020). Her debut novel, "A Loving, Faithful Animal", was long-listed for the 2017 Miles Franklin Literary Award and selected as a "New York Times" Editors’ Choice. Her books have so far been translated into German, Italian, and French.


 遺贈品、というのが彼女の身の上だ。イサクセンの弁護士が事前によこした手紙にそうあった。カスパル・イサクセンのもとにやってきた時点で、その聖女にはすでに名前がなかった。それ以前、どれくらいの年月か、大事に祀られていた場所から引き離され、お祈りとともに口にされたはずの名も失われて。どうやってカスパルのもとに、あの南太平洋の、リン鉱石のちっぽけな島にたどりついたのか? 怪しい経路に違いない。


From "Little World"

by Josephine Rowe

 The saint is nameless when she comes to Orrin Bird. By horse float, of all means. Though he cannot say what other mode of transport might have been more appropriate, given circumstances. She could hardly have come by rail, accompanied or otherwise. He supposes she might have come by hearse. Though hearses are scarce enough out here, and to receive a box of any kind from such a vehicle would have brought attention, prying in the guise of condolences. In fact, condolences are not unwarranted—his old friend, Kaspar Isaksen, has finally drunk himself to death, and left Orrin custodian to a saint.

 "Bequest" is how she is detailed, by Isaksen’s solicitor, in the letter that preceded. The saint had been nameless, too, when she came to Kaspar. Removed from whatever place she had been kept and cared for, for however long, and where she was likely entreated with a name, lost now. How had she come to Kaspar, on that speck of phosphate in the South Pacific? No respectable avenue.

 Orrin—not devout, or not in a Catholic sense—is conflicted about the nature of this legacy. He has no notion of how to care for a saint. Even a small one. Does not even believe. Not in any one God, attended by angels and casting His divine judgement down from On High. If he has gods, they are many, and they themselves tend—are the kind who get their hands dirty and wet, who are the Dirt and the Wet. And yes, the Dry. The terrible Dry, who no doubt has no comprehension nor will toward terror. Just Is. As are the gods Salt and Reef and Ant Mound. The birds who tell him whether he is or isn’t home.

 Still. Catholic or not. You don’t turn away a saint.

 Orrin Bird knows wood. He knows hulls, decks, the frames of houses. Machines, also, both heavy and light. But mostly he knows wood. The box—coffin-like, after all—is built of canoe timber, tamanu. He recognizes it as his own craft. Kaspar had asked for a box, provided exacting specifications, some twenty-five years ago. Said it was for blankets.

 The rigging of his back is still dependable, at sixty-five. When he carries the box into the house, it seems to weigh less than when first fashioned.

 He is not versed in the ways of saints. Never having cared for anything but machines and plants and dogs.

 First dog, White, returns from wherever she’s been, red Pindan dust socking her legs, staining them. Forever, it seems. Again and again, he has sent White dog into the surf, after sticks, to bathe her. Each time, she reemerges looking just the same, but happier.

 Second dog, Blue, lags behind in a sore-footed dance, paws stuck full of bindis. Orrin unsticks them; this is the game.

 The dogs settle immediately in front of the box, and this, to Orrin, is proof enough. He trusts what his dogs trust.

(published in Zoetrope: All Story, 2022)



協賛:香老舗 松栄堂/DMG森精機株式会社/株式会社グランマーブル
助成:Arts Aid KYOTO(京都市)/ベルギー王国フランス語共同政府国際交流振興庁
後援:京都市/一般社団法人 京都経済同友会
