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心理学者であるYoung (2003)も、以下のように話しています。


Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S., & Weishaar, M. E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner's guide. Guilford Press.

じゃあどうやって変えていくの? しっかり方法を学んだのですが、ここでは収まりきらないので、また今度...


上記のYoungの本について気になる方もいらっしゃると思うので...! ↓


「自分を変えれば人生が変わる―あなたを困らせる10の[性格の癖] 」




(ライフトラップや臨床心理学について、学ぶ機会を得たのはアントン先生の授業です…! 共創の方で先生の授業が好きだった方...仲間です...)

Lately, I have been contemplating primary and secondary emotions.

I have realized that the feelings of "attachment" and "dependence" that people have towards their loved ones, such as partners, children, best friends, and family, may actually be an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of themselves.

Events and emotions are not necessarily correlated, and how one perceives, comprehends, and acts on a particular event is entirely up to the individual.

This video by a person named "Kamin-chan" provides a very lucid explanation and demonstrates what I learned in my clinical psychology class (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/M6boyY5rqM8).

To illustrate, let's consider a situation where "my partner canceled our plans" is the issue.

"Anger towards partner" is a secondary emotion that represents the primary emotions of feeling lonely and anxious about being undervalued.

I believe it is vital to understand that the secondary emotion is an expression of the primary emotion of feeling lonely and anxious.

Although the fact that your partner didn't keep their promise is an unalterable event,

・how you perceive it,

・whether as occurring frequently or infrequently,

・as extremely frustrating

・or making you feel lonely,

・or even as a positive experience,

It all depends on your perspective.

"Life traps" may be linked to how you grew up and the traumas that trigger emotions. Why do you feel that way about a certain event? I believe that's where the world of self-dialogue begins. Perhaps there is a closed past that you are unwilling to confront.

The psychologist who I admire the most, Young (2003) says:

"Most of us operate on automatic pilot, repeating habits of thinking, feeling, relating, and doing what we have practiced over our lifetime. These patterns are comfortable and familiar, and we are very unlikely to change them unless we make a concerted, deliberate, and sustained effort to do so." (p.342)

Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S., & Weishaar, M. E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner's guide. Guilford Press.

So how do you change the life trap?

I have learned the methods thoroughly, but they cannot be fully explained in this post, so maybe next time...✨

Young's book is very clear and it has become an opportunity to re-examine myself from the ground up.

When my emotions are in turmoil, I just need to continue studying psychology and self-understanding little by little...!
