
おふくろの味=肉じゃが わからない論 Escape from the peer pressure of meat and potatoes


そのシンボルは「肉じゃが」だったという。 当時中学生だったが、テレビではおふくろの味=肉じゃが、 たとえば味噌汁同様、お嫁さんに作ってもらいたいという言説が飛び交っていた。 



同時代にメディアを賑わせていたOLとかおやじギャルとか、 そういったものに対するホモソーシャル的な反動で、実に情けない揺り返し。 



「見逃してくれよ」(1990)という時代と寝ないギリギリで乗りこなしている曲(キョンキョンなので) 。


中学生の頃その気持ち、おふくろの味肉じゃが、はまったく分からなかった。 今もまったく分からない。 




ハーブを育て生協の食材で子供好きする料理は作らなかった。 「料理できる男はモテる」からといって、 料理や皿洗いを教えて(手伝わされ)もらってそれが普通だと思っていたので、
料理をする小学生男子は「なんで?意味がわからない」と同級生に面妖なレッテルを貼られた。 2023年の今もそう。 


Featured on TBS radio session "What is the taste of your mother?"

It was the bubble that started to be talked about.

The symbol is "Nikujaga"

I was a junior high school student at the time, but on TV, my mother's taste = nikujaga,

For example, just like miso soup, there were rumors that the wife would like to make it.

The point is to make rice.

When I think about it now, it's ridiculous just to talk about rice.

OLs and old men gals who were popular in the media at the same time,

It's a homosocial reaction to that sort of thing, a really pathetic backlash.

There was also a cup soup commercial in which Kyoko Koizumi dressed as an office worker.


A song that manages to keep up with the era of ``Miss me'' (1990).(because it's kyunkyon)

The fact that there are "people who want to be overlooked" means that there are people who "will not be overlooked."

The former is female, the latter is male. It's hard to laugh at that "disparity" in 2023.

When I was a junior high school student, I didn't understand that feeling at all.

I still don't know.

There is a strange pressure to conform in the world, and it is difficult to come up with an example.

Writer Satetsu Takeda has the ability to take notes on things that catch his eye.

If you do that, you will have peace of mind.
・Ramen is noodle kata
・Mother's taste is Nikujaga
・Insta from Twitter
・Hair removal

Its identity is
"I've never thought about it, but if you say it, it might be so. Alright, let's assume that. Magazines and TV say so. And let's spread it to everyone. That sympathy. If you ride on it, the sense of solidarity of homoso will be further strengthened.”

my mother
She can't say she's a good cook, but she has her own style.

She grew herbs, and she didn't cook food for children with co-op ingredients

She said, "A man who can cook is popular."

She was taught (and helped) how to cook and wash the dishes and thought that was normal, so the elementary school boy who was cooking was given a strange label by his classmate, saying, "Why? I don't understand."
Even now in 2023.

My father doesn't cook at all and loves eating out.

Nikujaga has never appeared on the dining table. Just because he preferred chicken to beef.

I didn't like the sweet, sticky menu with lots of mirin and sugar.
