全世界の人が笑顔に "I wanna make the world laugh"



















English Ver.

"I used to be bad at taking on challenges because I was afraid of failing."
"But now, it's a time for me to take on challenges."
"I was born in Kasukabe, Saitama, but my father was transferred often, so during my childhood, I also lived in Fukushima and Tochigi. When I was around 7 or 8 years old, we moved to Kawagoe, Saitama, and I've been there ever since."

"My parents wanted me to learn English, so I attended something like an English conversation school from a young age. I'm really grateful for that. I've always liked English, so it worked out well for me."

"I majored in International Studies in college, and after graduating, I initially aspired to work in the service industry, like bridal or as a ground staff. But I didn't find those opportunities right away, so I expanded my options and got a job in the food and beverage industry. I worked in a restaurant for three years and then decided to go to Vancouver, Canada, which I had wanted to visit for a long time."

"At first, I worked in a Japanese restaurant in Vancouver because I wanted to earn money. However, Vancouver is more than half Asian, so there were many Japanese people, and you could get by without speaking English. I didn't like that, so after about six months, I decided to work at a Spanish tapas restaurant on a small island near Vancouver where there were more deer than people."

"On the island, people were very interested in me because I was Japanese. Since there were hardly any Japanese people on the island, they wondered why a Japanese person was there. I really enjoyed those frank conversations, and I learned a lot."

"I was fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful people at that time. My colleagues were great, and the owner of the dormitory where I stayed was like a grandmother, very warm and caring. She would ask me every day, 'How was your day?' And I also had the opportunity to watch meteor showers on the roof of our house with my roommates. Those were wonderful experiences. But before coming to the island, there were challenging times as well."

"I lived in a shared house in downtown Vancouver, and everyone there was very intelligent. They were all nice, but their vocabulary was difficult, and I often couldn't understand what they were saying. There was a period when I tried to fit in and laugh along even if I didn't fully understand."

"During those times, amidst various complex emotions, the turning point was when I remembered the mindset my first boss at my initial job after college had taught me. It made me think that I could also go to Canada. I learned that it's okay to take on challenges, even if you fail. Getting scolded for making mistakes is a way to learn, right? I learned that. From that point on, I started seeing every experience as a valuable opportunity to learn, even if I got scolded. I stopped thinking, 'Why am I being scolded? It's not my fault.'"
"Continuing to work hard, just before returning to Japan, I met my former housemates from the shared house I lived in during the first six months in Vancouver. They said, 'You've improved so much! There were times when we thought you didn't quite understand what we were saying at the beginning, but now you're doing great!' I was extremely happy."
"Going to the island was the most enjoyable and growth-inducing experience of my life, I think."

"Now, I'm actively involved in activities aimed at making people smile."
"I really enjoy the atmosphere where I can talk to customers and make them smile, and in the process, I also smile. I love that lively atmosphere where everyone is excited and happy. I like creating places where everyone can smile, not just in Japanese, but with people from all over the world."
"Currently, I'm focusing on activities related to English, sort of like bridging the gap. I want both Japanese and foreign people to enjoy Japan and be happy through these activities."

"I'm most satisfied when I create an environment, a space where everyone finds joy. When I organize events and see everyone having a great time, meeting and interacting with people they didn't know before, that's when I'm the happiest! It's an amazing feeling and I'll keep challenging myself in the future!"
