
Too much time / Projector

Hi I'm Keishi!
I keep a diary to learn English. Thank you for reading!
Please be patient my terrible English. haha
Today too, I'm going to write about a few good things happened around me as usual.

1. Too much time

Since I have tried not to use my phone usually, I suddenly have too much time. I realized I had consumed my time into using my phone. So, I often come to have no idea what I should do instead of the phone. In the evening, while using the bathroom, taking a walk. But it may be that I could finally come back to a normal life. I will try to keep up this life for a while.

2. Projector

Since I try not to use my phone, I come to use the projector these days. I don't have a TV, so I have no choice to use it to watch YouTube or other videos. But as I can focus on the video on large screen, it may be good. When I used my phone to watch videos, I couldn't focus on videos because I sometimes got some messages or notifications. I will keep this up too.

Thank you for reading!



Thank you so much🙌 溜まったお金で、また何か買ってレビューさせて頂きます😁