
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


30th May 2022 / Treinta de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Tomorrow is Ichito's elementary school athletic meet. I prepared his lunch box for the first time in a while. Although it's not what I would call cooking, but just rice and frozen foods. Preparing a l


29th May 2022 / Veintinueve de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Today, for the first time in a little while, I had the opportunity to take a walk around Myohonji Temple. This temple is one of my most favorite temples in Kamakura. Because even though it is very clo


28th May 2022 / Veintiocho de mayo de dos mil veintidós

This year's long-running historical drama series on NHK TV is set in the Kamakura period. I continue to watch this drama series with Ichito. I really like learning about history, but until I moved to


27th May 2022 / Veintisiete de mayo de dos mil veintidós

F1 Monaco GP weekend has started today. This race is held on the Monte Carl urban course in the Principality of Monaco, and is the only Grand Prix that has been held on the same course since F1 World


26th May 2022 / Veintiséis de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Today was the movie day of CineDiKa.

CineDiKa is a project under the concept of a " local decentralized movie theater", which has been running over one year. It has been held at three venues in Kamak


25th May 2022 / Veinticinco de mayo de dos mil veintidós

About two weeks ago, I started getting up a little earlier than I have in the past, getting up at 5:00 am. Every morning, I wake up and immediately do zazen meditating, complete my morning routine of


24th May 2022 / Veinticuatro de mayo de dos mil veintidós

There are two cats in my home. One of them is sixteen years, and the other one is fifteen years old. We had lived together in Sapporo until five years ago, but actually for the next three years we had


23rd May 2022 / Veintitrés de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Just a year ago, I had an opportunity to give a lecture to about forty life planners belonging to a major life insurance company. I talked about the relationship between corporate management and finan


22nd May 2022 / Veintidós de mayo de dos mil veintidós

The F1 Spanish Grand Prix was so exciting. It was a spectacular race with a number of unexpected happenings and some great performances by several drivers. I was also happy to see that Yuki Tsunoda, a


21st May 2022 / Veintiuno de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Lately, I've been often thinking, "I want to go to karaoke". When I was in my teens and early twenties, I used to go to karaoke frequently, and sometimes I would sing through the night with my friends


20th May 2022 / Veinte de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Today I had some important meetings on our business. One of them was about preparation to open a new guesthouse for which we will be undertaking the operation. Another meeting was about brushing up ma


19th May 2022 / Diecinueve de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Today's weekly English conversation was also exciting. It has passed over two months since this activity started. My friends Yuko and Naomi always give me lots of inspiration by sharing some nice epis


18th May 2022 / Dieciocho de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Every morning when I study some kinds of subjects, I tend to play music. Recently I often play the music list of "Mr. Children". It is a band musician which has been active in Japan for 30 years. When


17th May 2022 / Diecisiete de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Recently, I feel that communication between Ichito and me have been moving to the next stage. Ichito is almost twelve years old, and since he was quite small, I have carefully talked to him about digg
