17th May 2022 / Diecisiete de mayo de dos mil veintidós

Recently, I feel that communication between Ichito and me have been moving to the next stage. Ichito is almost twelve years old, and since he was quite small, I have carefully talked to him about digging into the essence of things and dealing with them. In the past two years, his own opinions and ideas have become more solid, which is why he and I often clash with each other, but through such communication, I feel that he is becoming better able to give his own answers and to discipline himself better.

Ichito tiene casi 12 años y, desde que era bastante pequeño, le he hablado con detenimiento sobre cómo profundizar en la esencia de las cosas y tratarlas. En los últimos dos años, sus propias opiniones e ideas se han vuelto más sólidas, por lo que él y yo chocamos a menudo, pero gracias a esa cominicación, siento que cada vez es más capaz de dar sus propias respuestas y de disciplinarse mejor.
