
When I look at my roses in the garden

This is the English version of the article below.

Perhaps because it was unusually warm in March, I feel that insects have become active earlier than usual this year. I thought I would have very little trouble with insects until the spring roses were over, but in the last few days, I've seen a lot of insects busy working, eating and wandering around looking for something in my garden.

I found some new rose buds damaged, so I looked closely near them and found rose weevils. I picked some up with tweezers, but some noticed me, fell off and ran away. How annoying! Don't feed on my roses. Next time I will have a saucer in case they fall.

The black round thing in the middle of the picture is a rose weevil. Is it sleeping? Rose weevils are 2 to 3 mm long and look like small beetles. They destroy young shoots and flower buds with a mouth like an elephant's trunk.

There was a ladybird moving on a thick branch of a climbing rose. I like you! Don't go anywhere else, Ladybird, eat all the aphids here! 

Oh my goodness! (I really felt like that!) A paper wasp was beginning to build her nest. I should have been more careful as I had recently seen the wasps flying around with their long legs hanging loosely. However, this may be natural as I don't use pesticides or the popular wood vinegar. The wasps seem to build a new nest in the same place every year.

A queen wasp building a small nest in the shape of a shower head.

I'm grateful to you, Queen, for your help in catching caterpillars. But the garden you’re in is so small that your nest will be a problem. I must find a way to stop her nesting.

There were some holes in the leaves of a rose. I cut off one of the leaves with scissors, looked at the back and found a mysterious little black caterpillar. Every year I see sawfly larvae feeding on rose leaves, but this doesn't look like them. Who are you?

I also found a large family of aphids! I used tape to remove them from the rose buds, but some fell off. I hope I can keep their numbers down. Where are you, Ladybird? Please keep eating.

I love growing roses. But I don't want to have anything to do with insects. Even so, I don't want to use too much pesticide. (If I can't help it, I might use a little.) So there's no choice but to keep getting rid of them with tweezers and sticky tape. 



