
二人の息子をもつシングルマザー。2023年7月~セブ長期滞在中。 2023.7~202…


二人の息子をもつシングルマザー。2023年7月~セブ長期滞在中。 2023.7~2024.5 マンダウエの語学学校に長期滞在 2024.7~ マクタンのヴィレッジに居住中 英語の勉強を兼ねて、ここフィリピンでの出来事や思ったことを英語と日本語で綴ります。


Cebu News Series No. 3 "Taxi driver seeks City Council seat"

Hello, everyone, this is Rei, a Japanese mother living in Marigondon, Mactan, Cebu in the Philippines. こんにちは、皆さん。フィリピンはセブのマクタン島マリゴンドンに住んでいる日本人ママ、レイです。 一日一記事を読むという習慣をつけるために、印象に残った記事の紹介や感想を述べるCebu News Series。 今日はIris Hazel Mascardo氏による記事です

    • Cebu News Series No. 2 "278 years"

      Hello everyone, this is Rei, a Japanese mother living in Marigondon, Mactan, Cebu in the Philippines. こんにちは、皆さん。フィリピンのマクタン島マリゴンドンに住んでいる日本人ママ、レイです。 一日一記事を読むという習慣をつけるために、印象に残った記事の要約や感想を述べるCebu News Series。 今日はAvanzado氏による「278 years」というタイトルの

      • Why Do School Announcements in the Philippines Come So Late? (なぜフィリピンでは学校からのお知らせがこんなに直前なのか?)

        When I got up this morning and checked my email, I found a message from my sons' school informing me that there would be an Emergency Awareness Seminar and Drills today. The message had arrived at 11 p.m. the previous night, stating that th

        • Cebu News Series No. 1 "Bomb threat halts classes at UC campus"

          I would like to start reading an article about Cebu or the Philippines every day as much as I can. So, this is the first record of an article I finished reading online today. This is the article I'd like to introduce today. Summary: On Se

        Cebu News Series No. 3 "Taxi driver seeks City Council seat"

          From Laptop Crash to the Unexpected Birthday Gift of a Macbook(パソコンが壊れて気づけば誕生日にMacBookをポチったお話)

          Finally terrible situation happened to my windows laptop ついに私のWindowsノートパソコンが壊れた!I noticed my laptop had been making strange noises whenever I tried to turn it on since last year. About two weeks ago, the message I attached below appeared o

          From Laptop Crash to the Unexpected Birthday Gift of a Macbook(パソコンが壊れて気づけば誕生日にMacBookをポチったお話)

          A Philippine National Holiday: A Day of Lounging and Laziness

          Hello everyone, this is Rei, a Japanese mother living in Marigondon, Mactan, Cebu in the Philippines. こんにちは、皆さん。フィリピンのマクタン島マリゴンドンに住んでいる日本人ママ、レイです。 This weekend was much more satisfying than usual. On Friday, we were invited to my friend's

          A Philippine National Holiday: A Day of Lounging and Laziness