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We're moving to BLOG!!!

Thank you for reading always! We are moving to BLOG from next column. Please follow us as the link below:))) We will create more fun and useful column in out blog. Thank you in advance!!

    • Vol.38 The difference between Kimono and Yukata着物と浴衣の違い

      Hello. I'm Yuko. It's getting colder and colder. On the calendar, "Ritto" has passed and the season is heading toward winter full scale. こんにちは。裕子です。 段々寒くなってきましたね。暦の上では「立冬」も過ぎ、本格的に季節は冬に向かっています。 Well, today I would like to talk about kimono

      • Vol.37 Autumn Leaves, Momiji gari

        Hi it's getting cooler recently. I am always excited about something in autumn.. That is... autumn leaves!!! The leaves change the colors from green to red, yellow and orange and it's so beautiful! Today, I will write about "Autumn leaves

        • Vol.36 Halloween in Japan 日本のハロウィン事情

          Hi it's Yuko. Halloween is coming! Are you ready for it? こんにちは、裕子です。 もうすぐハロウィンですね!皆さんイベントの準備は万端ですか? In recent years, we have started to hold Halloween events in Japan as well. It is said that Tokyo Disneyland is the leading person who spr

        We're moving to BLOG!!!

          Vol.35 Shinmai-新米

          Hi it' Ayumi! We have a lot of nice foods in autumn in Japan. Rice is one of them and it's the time of the first new rice harvested of the year! Today, I'd like to share about RICE! Shinmai - 新米 - The first rice of the year You might ha

          Vol.35 Shinmai-新米

          Vol. 34 The season of Cosmos コスモスの季節です

          Hello. I'm Yuko. Japan has four seasons, and various flowers come in each season. Autumn leaves are representative of Japan in autumn, however, cosmos is seen around in October, Today I'm going to get along with Cosmos. こんにちは。裕子です。 日本には四季が

          Vol. 34 The season of Cosmos コスモスの季節です

          Vol.33 Trip suggestion to Nagoya!

          Hi! Our family went on a trip to Nagoya. Nagoya is only 2.5hours drive or 1.5 hours by bullet train from Kansai. It is such a nice excursion. Today, I want to share our travel notes:) 1. What to do We stayed in Nagoya for 2nights. One day

          Vol.33 Trip suggestion to Nagoya!

          Vol.31 Chushu no meigetsu/Harvest moon中秋の名月

          Hi it's Yuko. Tomorrow, 1st of October is ”Chushu no meigetsu中秋の名月(Full moon in the mid-autumn/ Harvest moon)". It's the day that people look at the moon at night in autumn and enjoy the beauty. "Chushu no meigetsu" is also called "Otsuki

          Vol.31 Chushu no meigetsu/Harvest moon中秋の名月

          Vol.30 How to celebrate birthdays in Japan

          Birthdays are always so happy! How do you celebrate your someone special’s birthday? It might be different and might be very similar depends on countries and ages. Today, I would like to share how to celebrate birthdays in Japan by introdu

          Vol.30 How to celebrate birthdays in Japan

          Vol.29 The Seven-Five-Three ceremony (Shichigosan) 子どもの成長を祈る「七五三」

          こんにちは、裕子です。 今日は日本の子どもの行事の1つである「七五三」について、お話しますね。 Hi it's Yuko. I am going to talk about "The Seven-Five-Three ceremony" which is one of the biggest children's events in Japan. The Seven-Five-Three ceremony is called Shichigosan. 七五三は江戸時代から

          Vol.29 The Seven-Five-Three ceremony (Shichigosan) 子どもの成長を祈る「七五三」

          Vol.28 Maiking miso 味噌作り

          Hi it's Yuko. こんにちは。裕子です。 As you all may know, soybean-derived seasonings are common in Japan. Soy sauce and miso are also made from soybeans. Ever since I was born, I have lived on soy sauce and miso. When I was little, my grandmother, wh

          Vol.28 Maiking miso 味噌作り

          Vol.27 Fish... what to buy at supermarket in Japan?

          Hi! You like fish but don't know what to buy? I understand the names of fishes are a little tricky between different countries. I often felt hopelessness when I used google translation at supermarket in America.. Today, I'd like to share

          Vol.27 Fish... what to buy at supermarket in Japan?

          Vol.26 Preparation for Typhoon

          It's usually typhoon season around from August to October. According to the weather forecast, we will have totally about 26 typhoons this year. (There is No.8 coming far east of Japan right now.) Typhoons bring great disasters every year.

          Vol.26 Preparation for Typhoon

          Vol.25 Delicious shaved ice in summer! 夏においしいかき氷!

          こんにちは!裕子です。 梅雨が明けて夏本番!日本の湿度の高い夏は、体力を奪い夏バテの原因にもなります。 特にここ数年は温暖化の影響で酷暑が続いていますね。 そんな日本の夏にピッタリな「かき氷」をご紹介します。 Hi it's Yuko! The rainy season is over and it's in the middle of summer! Japanese high humid summer takes energy from your body and ca

          Vol.25 Delicious shaved ice in summer! 夏においしいかき氷!

          Vol.24 How to spend Obon in Japan

          I guess many of you may have heard of Obon. It is one of the Buddhist events and very important family gathering time for Japanese. It's July or August depends on the area. Nowadays, it's from 13th Aug to 15th in many cities in order to a

          Vol.24 How to spend Obon in Japan

          Vol.23 Ukiyo-e (Japanese prints) 日本の版画・浮世絵

          こんにちは。裕子です。Hi it's Yuko! I went to the museum the other day to see the "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji" of Hokusai Katsushika, which is said to be "the most famous ukiyo-e in the world." 私は先日美術館で、「世界一有名な浮世絵」と言われている、葛飾北斎の「富岳三十六景」を見てきました。

          Vol.23 Ukiyo-e (Japanese prints) 日本の版画・浮世絵