Jo Nesci

Creative developer / Design Engineer @ Takr…

Jo Nesci

Creative developer / Design Engineer @ Takram, Tokyo. Past: DailyTousLesJours, Antimodular/Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Sosolimited


  • Mark@ Design Engineering

    • 19本

    Takramではさまざまな専門領域のエッジを探究する独自のリサーチプロジェクト「Mark@」を行っています。このマガジンでは、Mark@Design Engineeringに参加しているTakramメンバーが、それぞれのnoteアカウントでデザインエンジニアリング領域に関連する記事を発信していく予定です。


Book notes - "Designing Japan", by Kenya Hara

I recently purchased a whole slew of books as part of my yearly book budget at Takram (employees get a generous yearly budget for book purchases, which was expi…

Jo Nesci

A personal history of interactive installations - Part 1

PrefaceThis article is part of Takram's "Mark @ Design Engineering" research group activities, in which we may experiment with new technologies or write article…

Jo Nesci
Book notes - "Designing Japan", by Kenya Hara

Book notes - "Designing Japan", by Kenya Hara

I recently purchased a whole slew of books as part of my yearly book budget at Takram (employees get a generous yearly budget for book purchases, which was expiring soon).

In order to get more famili

A personal history of interactive installations - Part 1

A personal history of interactive installations - Part 1

PrefaceThis article is part of Takram's "Mark @ Design Engineering" research group activities, in which we may experiment with new technologies or write articles to research topics of interest.

In th
