
Learning English

For our trying to go to Canada. Blog in English . 添削やアドバイスなど、いただけると嬉しいです!


The App I made first time is to support the person who wanna be a fighter pilot.

The App I made first time is to support the person who wanna be a fighter pilot.

I am an web engineer. I used to make web application and web site.
However I also make app for smart phone by Unity.
about an years ago, I made the app for smart phone when I was a freelance engineer.

I’m a web engineer

I’m a web engineer

I'm JAB working as an web engineer.
I always learn programming and English.

I'll talk about how I work as a web engineer.

Development of web serviceThe most popular job is development of web applica

When I joined the company...

When I joined the company...

Hi I'm JAB!!
I have been learning English.

Today's topic is what I felt about after becoming a salary person.

I searched hardly but...When I joined the company 1 year ago, I didn’t know about any ru



I’m Takkaaki Urano.
Almost people who know me call me “JAB”.
This was my call sign when I was fighter pilot for JASDF.

ExperienceMy experience is a little unusual in comparision with others.

I’m a w
