
心象 Imagery vol.4 日常の力。自然とつながり、暮らしを紡ぐ心。The power of daily life. A heart that connects with nature and spins the threads of our lives.

ITLFローカルコーディネーター・ガイドの阿部が、岩手・八幡平の日々で感じること、このプロジェクトを通して皆さんにお伝えしたいことを、一個人の"心象"として描くシリーズ、第4回。In this series “Imagery”, ITLF local coordinator guide, Fumiko Abe will bring to you a description of everyday life in Iwate and Hachimantai, and what message we want to convey to everyone through upcoming tours and programs.

春夏秋冬、巡る季節がもたらす "変化"。





Spring, summer, autumn, and winter each bring seasonal changes with them. There are some people who enjoy the blessings of each season, and accept the changes that each season bring as they live together with nature.

They put their hands together and pray to the sun as it rises and sets. They greet the mountains and forests, listen to the words of the rain and snow, and yearn for nature that shakes their body and soul. From the outside, these actions appear as if they are a ritual performed so as to be connected to this land. But to these people it is done naturally as part of their daily life.

Such daily life routines, along with the seasonal changes in nature, creates the atmosphere and scenery of this area.






Hitomi Sato(Hitomi-san) lives in the Ashiro district of Hachimantai, in the Northern part of Iwate. She says, "When I feel crumpled, I go to the mountains. As I walk in the mountains, I found flowers blooming.  It's beautiful. And also there are seasonal edible plants. I pick some of them and start to feel better. By the time I get home, I feel refreshed ready to carry water and boil it for cooking. Thanks to the mountains."

It is wonderful to have somewhere you can always visit and feel acceptance no matter how you feel. The mountains are always there, whether you sleep or wake, and are always changing through spring, summer, autumn, and winter. You can meet trees, flowers, birds and deer there, as well as bears too sometimes.






Even if you can't convey it in words, you can entrust your mind and body and connect with what you meet there. And it reflects in your feelings. We repeat this as we live.

It feels like a mixture of joy and sadness, or a sense that such feelings are suddenly released and reset. The sense that reminds us of some memories, nostalgia, and elements that connect to the roots that you have forgotten in the depth of your heart.  This kind of feeling may have been the same more than a thousand years ago, or in somewhere 10,000 kilometers away, and may continue to be true a hundred years from now.


▲築100年以上経つ、木造の家の裏。Behind a wooden house that is over 100 years old. 




Just outside the kitchen, you find the gardens and fields full of trees, flowers, vegetables, and even spring water.  Behind that there is a path to the mountain.  Every morning, when Hitomi-san stands in the kitchen, the sun rises from the top of the mountain and she is happy to be surrounded by light. 

You are free to have a chat with Hitomi-san preparing seasonal side dishes and snacks, or exploring the backyard, fields, and her 100 year olds home.




People who say "I grew up in the city and have no connection to the countryside", and people from abroad, men and women of all ages, everyone seems to feel nostalgic and relieved here, or feel excited to look around with curiosity.  It's a place where you can spend time feeling like a child.

It feels like staying at grandma's house. Some people even lie down on the tatami mats.




Hitomi-san treats everyone in the same way at any time, as she listens, talks, and laughs.   Hitomi-san often says, "This is how I make it, but there are many ways to do it. Try it the way you want."



▲過去、フランス・イギリスからのゲストを迎えた体験の様子 Guests from France and UK in the past.



The rice balls made by yourself for the first time, start looking cute. And you eat them carefully.  When you touch something with all your heart, it becomes a part of you. Hitomi's life creates this sense of connection. 








 It is the same when she makes buckwheat noodles or preserved foods such as pickles, pickled plums and dried vegetables.

Looking at how Hitomi-san handles, cuts and mixes the ingredients, there is no waste or hesitation. And the utensils she uses everyday appear to be parts of her.  Using the power of salt, koji, sunlight, wind, fire, heat and cold, she dries, ferments, and leaves them to the invisible powers of things such as time and bacteria.  In that way, it seems as if she is able to communicate with something invisible.

Hitomi: "Natural things aren't the same every year. So, sometimes I change my recipes little by little for the best result. I'm sure people have been devising things that way for a long time."


▲串餅(くしもち)。おかゆと蕎麦粉を混ぜて、茹でたものを串に刺し、クルミ味噌を塗り、囲炉裏端へ。時折ひっくり返しながら、じわじわと炭火で焼いていく。Kushi-mochi: Mix rice porridge and buckwheat flour, thread a boiled rice cake onto a skewer, apply miso paste with walnuts, and put it to the hearth. Gradually bake with charcoal, turning it over occasionally.


▼口にすると皆、驚く、ふんわりとした食感と甘じょっぱい香ばしさ。大きく見えるのにペロリと平らげ、もう一本!というひとも。一度食べたらまた食べたくなる。Soft texture and salty sweet flavor. Unforgettable taste.




Waiting, accepting, dodging, watching. Calling out to each other when necessary, making use of each other's existence and power, and sometimes just gently keeping distance.




▲乾いた松の木の根を、焚付けに使う。すぐに火がつき、驚くほど燃え続ける。Learning to use dry pine tree roots for burning. It fires quickly and continues to keep burning for a long time.









Hitomi: "I don't think this way of life has changed so much since the Jomon period."  

Someone who spends her days appreciating harvests from her field and mountains, interacting with the soil, drawing water, burning fire, and exchanging words with invisible beings. Who weaves her own world with nature by spinning the constant, ordinary, everyday threads. 

Hearing so, we imagine it should be a witch or surely someone from the Jomon period. But it is Hitomi-san, right in front of you. She will welcome you as you visit. She smiles saying that what has been repeated in this way is "natural".  It seems like the flow of the Jomon period(14,000-1,000BCE) which lasted about 14,000 years, still remains here.

"The way of life that has not changed since ancient times" may be "A life that continues to change".

(写真・文 阿部文子 ABE Fumiko)
