
#8 英会話は「意地でも伝えるぜ!」の意識が大事【一笑門 マガジン】


このマガジンでは、毎朝配信しているPodcastプログラム「伊志嶺海【一笑門 RADIO】」の内容を日本語と英語の記事にて発信しております。



「日本の夜明けを創る。」を合言葉に、相棒とともに夜明創造プロジェクト旦 -TAN-を運営しております。
















English version★

Good morning. I'm Kai Ishimine.

With the slogan "Creating the dawn of Japan", I run the Dawn Creation Project -TAN- with my buddy.

Today I wanna talk about English conversation. I have been doing DMM English since I was a university student.

When I looked up reasons for starting English conversation on the Internet, I found that people want to "live abroad," "work abroad," "fall in love with a foreigner," etc. But in my case, it was a little different.

My reason for starting English conversation was that I wanted to talk to someone. At the time, when Corona started to spread, my contact with people was much more limited. I usually like talking to people, so I was bored living in the Corona disaster.

Then, one of my favorite comedians, Acchan from Oriental Radio, started a DMM English conversation channel.

I thought it was great that he could speak English as well, so I watched his videos. Rather than fluent English, he used simple words and grammar to converse with foreigners.

I was attracted by his stance of enjoying conversation with people from different cultures rather than worrying about his English ability, and I came to the decision to start.

Although I had always been somewhat good at English, I still remember how nervous I was at my first lesson. However, after a few lessons, I got used to it and began to enjoy conversing with the teacher.

As I got used to the lesson, I realized that It is important to speak cheerfully.

Even when I speak Japanese with my friends, my body language gets so intense that it makes me move when I speak. Thanks to this, I am able to hold any English conversation with simple grammar and vocabulary that even a junior high school student can understand.

After talking with more than 250 foreigners over the years, my instructors often say, "Japanese people are often shy".

it is true that many people are nervous just to talk with someone they don't know before, and they think it is too hard to speak English.

What I wanna say to those who want to start learning English is that there is really no need to be scared. If you are really nervous, just write your self-introduction in Japanese, put it into Google Translate, and then jump into the lesson with that English self-introduction.

Then, in the lesson, just try your best to convey your message. The fact that you tried your best to communicate will greatly boost your confidence.

I think it is a good idea to enjoy the conversation in the lesson as much as you can with your current English ability, and learn vocabulary and grammar little by little in the time outside of the lesson. If you want to start learning English, but are too anxious to start, please take a look at this article!

I have also written articles on English conversation in the past, so please take a look at these as well!
