
京の特別席を眺めながら・・・   While watching the special seats of Kyoto...


The dusk of Kyoto is dazzling. I spent my student life in Kyoto and worked in Kyoto for several years until March of this year. Unfortunately, however, l have lost the opportunity to visit since the Corona turmoil.

京都の数々あるパワースポットの中で、街のど真ん中にそれを継承している場所がある。見てのとおり(写真)「鴨川土手」である。恋を語り、愛を育むステージとして今日も、そして未来も変わらぬ "恋愛成就特別席" であり続けている。

Among the many power spots in Kyoto, there is a place that inherits it in the middle of the city. As you can see (photo) it is the "Kamogawa bank". As a stage for talking about love and nurturing love, it continues to be a "love fulfillment special seat" that remains unchanged today and in the future.


I heard that in the second wave of Corona, the social distance of special seats seems to be good enough. The picture was taken last summer. While looking from Shijo Ohashi, I tried to bring back a little memory of the past.

