
【第1回】日本 東京-石川 450km徒歩 古民家冒険project /1st Japan Tokyo-Ishikawa 450km walk research of old houses project


From June 4th to 17th, 2017, I walked about 450km from Hino City, Tokyo to Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture in two weeks. Along the way, we covered about 30 vacant house utilization cases and posted them on blogs and SNS. In Kaga City, the destination, I hold a workshop to introduce examples of vacant house utilization. I created an opportunity to think about utilizing vacant houses with many people. This pattern was covered and published by many media such as NHK TV, Hokuriku Shimbun, and Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun.

Overview of the way I walked

▼フライヤー Flyer
( By Yoshiki Mishima)


Project background


一方で、大学時代に石川県加賀市で地域課題を知り、アイデアを提案してプロジェクトを立ち上げる「PLUS KAGA」というワークショップに参加。個人プロジェクトを模索していた時期だった。この東京都日野市と石川県加賀市という2つの地域で空き家問題が深刻化していたため、2つの地域を結ぶプロジェクトの可能性が見えてきた。

一番の契機となったのは、PLUS KAGAのコーディネーターを務めるランドスケープデザイナーの三島由樹さんとプロジェクトの相談をしているときのこと。私は大学時代に交通費の節約や運動不足解消などのため、毎日約10km歩いていたことを話すと、「日常的にそこまで歩いている人はいない。だから、プロジェクトに生かせる。」という話になった。そして、思いつきで「石川まで歩いたら面白いかもしれない。」という話になり、2017年5月に東京-石川 450km徒歩を実施することを決めた。スタートまで1ヶ月という急ピッチの中で準備を進めた。

ただ歩くだけではなく、「古民家冒険project 」と題して、道中、古民家の活用事例を毎日一軒取材してブログで記事を書くことになった。到着先に石川県加賀市で古民家活用の事例紹介のワークショップを行うとともに、東京都日野市の古民家活用に繋げるという流れができたのだ。

In April 2017, when I graduated from university, I started living in a 150-year-old folk house (name: Hirayama Chibetto), which was a vacant house in Nishihirayama, Hino City, Tokyo. 20 minutes walk from the station. It was a remote place called "Tibet" by the local people, but it was a charming place with abundant nature. It was decided to utilize this place to create a place for the community to gather. As the population ages, there is a need for a place where people can get together and communicate with each other. In order to explore the utilization ideas, I decided to cover the utilization cases of old folk houses in various parts of Japan.

On the other hand, when I was a university student, I learned about regional issues in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and participated in a workshop called "PLUS KAGA" where I proposed ideas and launched a project. It was a time when I was looking for a personal project. Since the problem of vacant houses was becoming more serious in these two areas, Hino City in Tokyo and Kaga City in Ishikawa Prefecture, the possibility of a project connecting the two areas became apparent.

The first opportunity was when I was discussing a project with landscape designer Yuki Mishima, who is the coordinator of PLUS KAGA. When I talked about walking about 10km every day to save transportation costs and solve lack of exercise when I was in college, he said, "No one walks there on a daily basis, so you can make use of it in your projects". Then, I came up with the idea, "It might be interesting to walk to Ishikawa." In May 2017, I decided to walk 450km from Tokyo to Ishikawa. We proceeded with preparations at a rapid pace of one month until the start.

Instead of just walking, I decided to write an article on my blog under the title of "Old Folk House Adventure Project", covering one house every day along the way. At the destination, we held a workshop to introduce examples of using old folk houses in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and at the same time, we were able to connect to the utilization of old folk houses in Hino City, Tokyo.

▼スタート地点/ 東京都日野市築150年の古民家ヒラヤマちべっと
 Start point / Hino City, Tokyo 150-year-old folk house Hirayama Tibet


Visit an old folk house that is being used effectively(Fukuroitayamachi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture)


▼ゴール地点 / 石川県加賀市FUZON 1 KAGA Gallery & Bar
Goal point / Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture FUZON 1 KAGA Gallery & Bar



2017年6月4日 東京都日野市-神奈川県相模原市 24km
2017年6月5日 神奈川県相模原市-山梨県大月市笹子町 39km
2017年6月6日 山梨県大月市笹子町-山梨県甲斐市 32km
2017年6月7日 山梨県甲斐市-長野県諏訪郡富士見町 33km
2017年6月8日 長野県諏訪郡富士見町-長野県諏訪郡下諏訪町 31km
2017年6月9日 長野県岡谷市-長野県松本市波田 34km
2017年6月10日 長野県松本市波田-長野県松本市安曇 24km
2017年6月11日 長野県松本市安曇-岐阜県高山市奥飛騨温泉 34km
2017年6月12日 岐阜県高山市奥飛騨温泉-富山県富山市片掛 46km
2017年6月13日 富山県富山市片掛-富山県射水市 37km
2017年6月14日 富山県射水市-富山県砺波市 28km
2017年6月15日 富山県砺波市-石川県金沢市袋板屋町 33km
2017年6月16日 石川県金沢市袋板屋町-石川県小松市 30km
2017年6月17日 石川県小松市-石川県加賀市 21km

2017年6月4日 出発式 @ヒラヤマちべっと(東京都日野市)
2017年6月17日 完歩式 @FUZON 1 KAGA Gallery and Bar(石川県加賀市)
2017年6月18日 報告会 @タビト学舎(石川県加賀市)

What I noticed when I actually walked



In 2017, there were about 8 million vacant homes all over Japan. There are two options for keeping the living environment in the area comfortable and preventing the deterioration of public security: dismantling or utilizing it. If left as it is, it will decay like a haunted house, and there is a danger of burglary and arson. By walking around about 30 old folk houses, I broadened my horizons for vacant house utilization cases. Taking advantage of the fact that it is a hot spring area in Hida Takayama, Gifu Prefecture, I encountered a vacant house that grows bananas indoors by cultivating greenhouses using geothermal heat. Also, in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, there was a cafe operated by a real estate company as a model house, which was very modern and fashionably renovated.

What we can read from such cases is the effective use of local resources, how local residents gather there, and what kind of hopes for solving local problems are entrusted to them. It can be said that this walking trip has acquired the perspective of thinking of walking as a means of knowing the region, rather than simply thinking of it from the perspective of sports and adventure. Rather than digging deeper into one case in a region, you may know various cases in a wide range of areas shallowly and comprehensively, find common ground and connections, and be surprised and expect freshness from what you come across by chance. It can be said that the project was particularly important. However, it goes without saying that there was an excitement for the unknown as to what kind of scenery would spread if you walked from Tokyo to Ishikawa.


・北國新聞 2017年6月6日朝刊
・北國新聞 2017年6月18日朝刊
・北陸中日新聞 2017年6月18日朝刊




Subsequent development


In Hino City, Tokyo, the use of the old folk house "Hirayama Tibet" has progressed, and various projects such as a one-of-a-kind light party, a children's cafeteria, and a Terakoya where children study something have been launched. Also, in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, while being recognized as a walking person, I also had the opportunity to participate in an internship that actually accompanies the site of utilizing vacant houses.


PLUS KAGA Project 三島さん
タビト學舎 飯貝さん
中央大学理事 庭山さん
FUZON 1 KAGA Gallery and Bar 山根さん

Photos along the way


▼日本 東京-石川 450km徒歩 古民家冒険projectの詳細はこちら。
Japan Tokyo-Ishikawa 450km walk Click here for details of the old folk house adventure project.
