
【オーストラリアワーホリ7ヶ月目】次の仕事が始まるまでの無職生活を謳歌しながら思うこと My thoughts as I enjoy my unemployed life until my next job starts.

写真は実家の猫。もう14歳ぐらいですが、まだまだ元気だそう。ただ、いつも自分で皮膚を掻いてしまうようで足の毛がなくなってしまいました ;(

It's been almost two weeks since I left the strawberry farm after a week and returned to the Gold Coast.

In the last few days, Ihaven't done anything. lol

I haven't done anything as much as it feels good.


I am now living with my boyfriend.

The house was originally rented by me, and he decided to move in at the same time I went to the farm! (I can leave my luggage and stuff here, so it really helped me out).

シェアハウスではなくてgranny flat(日本語でいう”離れ”の家)なので、完全にふたり暮らし状態です。
It is not a shared house, but a granny flat, so we are now living together by ourselves completely.

I have about two weeks until I start my next job, so I am unemployed until then, but I am living peacefully without any sense of rush.

I have been in Australia for 7 months now, and my thoughts and values have changed a lot, so I would like to write about them in this article.

未来についてあんまり考えすぎなくなった I have stopped thinking too much about the future.

Friends in Japan often ask me, "What are your plans for the future? What are you going to do after that?" I often answer, "Well, I don't know yet".

It might sound like I don't have a plan, which is an unexpected answer from my past self. lol

After my experiences of working in other countries and taking a leave of absence, I realized that "we never know what will happen in life," and I came to the conclusion that "I should stop making tight plans from the beginning," because unexpected things are going to happen anyway.

And here in Australia, unexpected things have happened one after another.

具体的には For example
I became a barista, even though I used to dislike coffee (I don't like to call myself a barista, because I am not professional but I wrote that exactly in my resume ;)


I was fired from my job 3 times and finally reached a point where I became "used to being fired". lol


I was struggling with the noise and cockroach problem of my African share-mates, and I found the best house


I started a relationship with a Brazilian boyfriend and started living with him


I quit just after a week because of a back injury at the farm where I started working to get a second visa


And more…

All of the above, I had not expected a year ago.

明日のことなどNo, no baby 今日だけ見つめてPlease stay strong←藤井風

As I lived abroad for a long time, unexpected things happened all the time, and I had to face myself each time. I think this is why my "ability to cope with change," "ability to adapt to the environment," and " ability to solve problems" have developed so much.

When a change happens, we can either think, "Why something bad happened to me?" or "Something interesting happened to me again! My life is so interesting!"; those thoughts make our lives enjoy our destiny or just be controlled by destiny.

Of course, it is important to make some minimum necessary plans (for example, I must always think about my visa)

However, thinking about the remote future, which has yet to happen, will only increase our worries and reduce our energy.

My previous boss when I was working at the company, and with whom I still keep in touch with, said to me, "Well, the only thing you can do is to do the best you can in the environment where you are now." and I also think so.

Living in the present as best we can will lead to a better future, and we may even be able to change the regrets and traumas of the past.

The important thing is "now, " as the Buddha said.

By the way, I am writing this article in the library, fully concentrating on the "now," but the Asian guy sitting next to me is scratching his head, which is distracting me a little...lol

So, this time, I wrote about my recent thoughts as I felt like it.

It's a nice day today, so I'm going to take a nap on the beach!

