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My favorite music

When I was in middle school, I loved reading the Disney Princess novels and listening to the CDs. I especially liked the light music of WINNIE THE POOH, and UNDER THE SEA from THE LITTLE MARMADE. Then there was Queen. When I got to high s

Thoughts of 留魂録

This is the 10th book introduction. It's getting harder and harder to write a NOTE every day, and I don't feel like I'm growing for the effort, so I'll switch to strengthening my listening instead of writing. I will do both. AuthorShoin Y

Thoughts of LISTEN

This is the 9th book introduction. AuthorKate Murphy SummaryWe face communication barriers daily. I think, "Next time, I'll find a better way to say it," or "I'll find the right timing," or "I'll get that person to tell me what I want to

Thoughts of Servant Leadership

This is the 6th book introduction. AuthorRobert K. Greenleaf SummaryThe book has influenced many since it was first published in the United States in 1977. The concept of servant leadership constitutes the basic philosophy of leadership t


This is the 5th book introduction. AuthorBill Gates Summary ImpressionsI have a master's degree in the environmental and energy field. I had to be mocked by someone saying "You're wasting your time going all the way to graduate school t

Thoughts of HARD THINGS

This is the 4th book introduction. AuthorBen Horowitz SummaryThe author, Ben, shares his experiences with a parade of difficulties. For those involved in venture companies and new businesses, this book does not seem impersonal. The strugg

Thoughts of 声と現象

Day10:This concludes my 3rd book introduction. Author:Jacques Derrida He was a philosopher who attempted to deconstruct the Logos-centrism of Western metaphysics. Metaphysics is a branch of study or philosophy that takes the world beyond

Thoughts of 人間はどこまで耐えられるのか

Day9 Starting today, I will change to an English-only diary. And I would like to follow NOTE's direction and write down my thoughts on the books I have read. Here are today's books. 人間はどこまで耐えられるのか How much can a human being endure? Aut

black and white

Today's top picture was created with Canva, Australia's first design creation tool. Easy and fun! A design is something ingenious to realize an aim. The aim is a term that refers to a realistic goal planned with an eye toward the objective

Thoughts of Momo

Today, I would like to share my thoughts on reading Momo. First of all, the author, Michael Ende, is a German author of children's literature, but he has a close relationship with Japan, having visited Japan and remarried a Japanese woman


Momo: The Mysterious Story of a Time Thief and the Girl Who Restored Stolen Time to Humanity In an old theater in a city, there lived a girl named Momo. Momo had two best friends, an old man, and a young man. Momo also had a mysterious po

Last day of fasting

Today, I would like to write about my meal on the last day of my 3day2night petit-fasting experience. I woke up early to see the sunrise (dawn at 5:22 a.m.). After a 15-minute walk from the lodge, I went down to the rocky beach where I cou

Petit Fasting Trip

Today, I am going to an inn in Izu Kogen for a petit fasting experience. I usually start my English conversation at 8:00, but today it has been changed to 7:30~. I am sleepy. But I'm excited about this 3-day/2-night program! In the past,

Start an English Diary

To improve my language skills, I decided to write a diary in English. Although I went on to study in the English department in high school and university, I had no contact with English after entering the workforce, and when I turned 30, I