

This is the 5th book introduction.


Bill Gates


The only way we can survive is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero. The result of a decade of research, and the author's vision of a future that anticipates a pandemic, this is his first book in 20 years. 
Taken from Amazon


I have a master's degree in the environmental and energy field.

I had to be mocked by someone saying "You're wasting your time going all the way to graduate school to learn about the environment" but it was a meaningful place for me.

So this book was very interesting. Environmental issues are a problem that no one can afford to be uninvolved in.

On the other hand, what can I do?

Solve negative problems or think of something you like. These two choices and doing are very difficult questions.

When I was in elementary school, I was a member of the environmental committee. I loved to look at the sky, partly because of my uncle who worked in the meteorological field, and even as a child I was interested in the fluctuations in snowfall from one year to the next.

Also, I like white bears. White bears are very cute. When I learned that such polar bears are cannibalizing each other due to global warming, climate change was more linked to issues close to my heart.

But, I could do the obvious things such as not throwing trash on the side of the road, separating trash, saving energy, etc., but I did not know what to do.

I don't have the human ability to face environmental issues straight and actively pick up trash, and I knew that actions that I found painful would not last.

At such times, I Know the activity "ap bank fes," which is a positive example of encouraging environmentally conscious behavior.

Therefore, In graduate school, I asked and conducted to explore the source of motivation why someone can engage in activities who are making efforts to solve environmental problems through interviewing and fieldwork.

I shifted my research to apply the knowledge I gained there to environmental education and human resource development.

Start with what you can and work your way up.

I will continue to search for what I can do and I would like to do what I can do.