
1st year's grade -留学1年目の成績を公開します!-

Today's post is about my grade! さて、今回は留学1年目の成績のおはなし。


Last week I got grades of all the courses in Spring semester, which ended on May 8th.
I would like to share with you all the grades in last academic year.

<2016 Fall>
●Politics of policymaking:A-

●Quantitative Analysis for International and Public Affairs:A


●Accounting for International and Public Affairs:A+

<2017 Spring>
Quantitative Analysis Ⅱ for International and Public Affairs:A

●Governing the 21st Century City:A

●Education Policy and the Management of Instruction:A

●Higher Education Policy and Develoopment in Asia:A




... so I got A- or higher for any couse! In spring I got straight As. I was much businer in spring because I took one more course (4→5), had more reading assignments, but I did not feel any disadvantage because of my relatively lower English proficiency compared to my classmates. And I enjoyed presentations and papers, which I believe are really informative and meaningful!



I make it a rule to go back home by 6pm, have dinner with my family and then bathe with my baby, but I could not make it during the exam period. I have to be grateful to my wife, who is mostly taking care of my daughter. I would like to make further efforts to maintain and improve my grades!

Next time I'll introduce my internship, so please be looking forward!

