
Internship @ Harlem Link Charter School -貧困地区の公設民営学校の実態を体感する-

About my internship at a charter school!

(Previous post on info dissemination by BOEs)

先週の水曜から、こちらのHarlem LinkというCharter School(日本語でいうと公設民営学校?)でインターンをしています。
Since last Wed, I have had an internship at Harlem Link Charter school (website below).

1. どうインターン先を見つけたの?



ニューヨークにあるいくつかの学校や、Charter Management Organization、それからNPOのリストを作り、ウェブページ上にある問い合わせ先に片っ端からメールしました。

Let me first elaborate on how I get there. In Columbia SIPA, there is a office of career services which periodically disseminates info about internship, but I could not find any organization or positions which interested me.

I wanted to have an experience of education, and especially at a school, so I made a list of schools, charter management organizations and npos and then emailed them one by one.


3分の2からは返信がなく、残り3分の1の中で学校、かつ一番前向きな返事をしてくれたのがこのHarlem Linkでした。

Out of roughly 20 organizations, two-thirds did not repond. And among the one-third which responded, Harlem Link gave me a very positive response. After a phone interview and school visit, I decided to undertake it.

2. どんな学校?

次に学校の紹介ですが、ハーレムというマンハッタンの中では貧困地区にあるCharter Schoolです。

Charter Schoolの定義は以下に簡単に触れられていますが、

This school is a charter school located in Harlem (kind of low-income area in Manhattan).
According to the rough definition of NYC Department of Education (DOE),


"Charter schools are independent public schools founded by not-for-profit Boards of Trustees. They operate under a contract (or “charter”) of up to five years. Any student eligible for admission to a New York City public school is eligible for admission to a public charter school. Many charter schools have unique educational approaches that may include longer school days, a longer school year, or thematic programs. "


Charter schools have greater latitude regarding school management, such as flexible personnel and curricula, but in exchange for them they are strictly evaluated by authorization organizations based on such factors as test scores, and if there is no or little improvement that school could be closed down.

3. インターンの内容は?

私がインターンしているHarlem LinkはPre-K(幼稚園前)から5th Grade(小学5年生)までで、400人程度が在籍しています。

今従事している「Start to Finish Project」の仕事ととしては、主に分けて以下の3つです。


This Harlem Link is a pre-K to 5 school, and the enrollment is about 400. My current project, as called "Start to Finish Project", is as follows;

・classifying middle schools and high schools in NYC based on several indicators and create a kind of ranking
・keeping track of alumni's trajectory (what middle schools and high schools they are attending etc)
・analyzing alumni's trend of grades after graducation

I was struck by the fact that they are focusing on how students are performing after graduation, which is usually not the case in Japan.


Also I was startled by the abundunce of individual data. I don't think any Japanese school has such a comprehensive and data-driven analysis.

Right above my table. Very inspiring!!

By Nelson Mandela

4. 学校の様子は?


The entrance. Actually four schools including Harlem Link are located inside this same building, which makes each of them very crowded...

今日、上司が「Do you wanna see the dismissal?」と言ってきたので、「え?解雇を見るの??」と思ったのですが、dismissalとは見送り(退校)のことでした。


Today I visited the dismissal (the time when parents pick up their children, children take a bus to go home or participate in after-school programs).

I'll post about the details of my project, so please stay tuned!!

