

第3弾、Love and Logic〜子どもへ気づきのチャンスを与える〜



大人がLove and Logicで接することによって、

この参考文献の根幹であるLove and Logicを3項目にまとめてお届け。


You can be a loving, compassionate enforcer of limits.


“Everyone that has finished eating lunch and cleaning up is welcome to join me for the art project.” 
「お昼を食べ終わった人は、ぜひ参加してね 〇〇に。」


“I see that you have chosen not to eat your lunch and clean up. Perhaps you can join us for an art project another time. I hope that tomorrow is different. We really will miss you during this project!”
「食べずに片付けもしないことを選んだのを見ていたよ。また別の時に〇〇に参加してみたら良いよ。きっと 明日は違うと願っているね。 このプロジェクトに君がいないから本当に寂しいな!」


I’ll be happy to start as soon as you show me your body is ready.


I would be happy to listen to you when your voice is as calm as mine


5 Steps to Guiding Children to Own and Solve their Problems

①共感 / 悲しいね。痛かったでしょう?
    Empathy - “How sad.” “I’ll bet that hurts, doesn’t it?”

②意思 / あなたはどうしたいかな?
    Send the Power message - “What do you think you’re going to do?”

③選択肢 / 他の子達がどう試したか、知りたいかな?
    Offer choices - “Would you like to know what some other children I know have tried?”

※悪い例から良い例まで様々な選択肢を話す。 まずは最も悪い例から始め、「結果」を子ども自身の言葉で説明するよう促す。
※At this point, offer a variety of choices that range from bad to good. Start out with the worst choices until you get to a choice that forces the child to state the consequences in their own words.

④結果 / どうなったかな?
    Have the child state the Consequence - “And how will that work?”

許可 / きっと大丈夫。試してみよう。どうなったか忘れず教えてね。
※Give permission for the child to solve the problem or not solve the problem. “Good luck. I hope that works out! Come and find me later and tell me if it worked!”


▶️小言や注意をしないこと。 彼らに伝えるのは1度だけで十分。
Don’t nag or remind. Tell them once
. They are smart enough to remember if it’s important to them.

Preserve the relationships at all cost.

Make the problem the behavior not the child.

