
FELT SENSE いま私が伝えたいこと

やる気をだす! と思う時に聞く歌

Comparing Felt Sense to Cotton Candy



Focusing differs from hypnosis

Anger and Felt Sense

Two videos temporarily available from last year’s Gendlin Symposium

Emotion and felt sense

What does “direct” in “direct reference” mean? Determine the difference between “reference” and “checking”

Presentation slides and quotes at the Gendlin Symposium 2023

Philosophical Origin of Felt Meaning

Listening to “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in a Focusing-Oriented Way: Commentary Using an Official Video

I created the title slide in a universal design font called "UD Digikyo Latin".

Summary and table of contents of my doctoral dissertation

Summary and table of contents of my paper on Dilthey and Gendlin