
Gendlin’s writings that prepared “A Process Model”

Joachim Wach: the forgotten man behind Gendlin’s understanding of Dilthey

Comparing Felt Sense to Cotton Candy

Listening to “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony in a Focusing-Oriented Way: Commentary Using an Official Video

Gendlin's basic term, "explication": Q&A with Dr. Donata Schoeller


The Past in the "Here and Now"

Very old (“primitive”) sequences in dreams and with hypnosis

Commemorative lecture for receiving the incentive award from the Japanese Association for Humanistic Psychology

Featured speaker at Gendlin Symposium 2023

Collection of links: On “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning” (Gendlin, 1962/1997)

Vague image of "experiencing": with reference to W. James and H. Bergson

Presentation slides and quotes at the Gendlin Symposium 2023

Anger and Felt Sense

【 #今月誕生日の心理学者 】 今月(12月25日)は、 #Gendlin,E.T. の誕生日です🎂 https://amzn.to/2T5OiUr #セカンダリー #心理学をもっと身近に #心理学 #誕生日 #HBD #本日誕生日の心理学者

“Reflective listening” without necessarily “empathic understanding”

Gendlin’s position against the “unit model” or the “content paradigm”: retroactive time in terms of G. H. Mead’s theory of time

Gendlin's View on “Gut Feelings”

Entitizing and Universalizing

Two videos temporarily available from last year’s Gendlin Symposium

Collection of Links: Dilthey and Gendlin