小さな語りシリーズ2024/04/11  Small Story Series 







Days of rain that never stops. Even in such weather, spending time quietly alone in a corner of the cafe, holding a cup of steam and feeling the warmth of it, brought a soft comfort to my heart. Time passes only here, different from the outside world. People come and go outside the window, each one weaving their own stories. In a scene from such an ordinary day, the face of an "old friend" unexpectedly flashes across.

Years ago, we shared dreams and supported each other, encouraging through the days. But as time passed and we walked our separate paths, our contacts naturally faded, now existing only in memories. Yet, the bond still breathes here. Savoring those memories with an old friend while sitting at this cafe lightens the heart.

The nature of relationships may change, but a bond once deeply formed never disappears. It becomes a treasure etched deep within, occasionally remembered, shining a warm light like a beacon on life's journey.

Sitting in this cafe, alone with a coffee, immersed in memories of an old friend, the changing world outside doesn't affect the unchanging bond within. It's something that remains constant, crossing time and distance, soothing the heart, and empowering one to keep moving forward.

As the coffee cools, a new resolution is embraced, ready to take another step forward, with the bond with an old friend held close to the heart.
