小さな語りシリーズ2024/04/14  Small Story Series







The seasons were changing, and the cityscape gradually took on the garb of autumn. Sitting on a park bench, I took a deep breath. The scene before me quietly filled my heart. The leaves of the trees were starting to color, and the breeze felt a bit cold. The park was sparsely populated, and peaceful time flowed by.

Suddenly, looking up at the sky, the sunset began to spread across the entire sky. Its beauty captivated my heart instantly. Orange, pink, and purple mixed together as if the world had been dyed in an instant. I wished that this moment alone would continue eternally beyond time.

Watching the sunset, I forgot the busyness of daily life and pondered the small moments that people casually spend. Children's laughter echoed as they played, and an elderly couple walked hand in hand. Each moment added a little color to this great canvas called the sunset.

I wondered if my everyday life could also be illuminated by the soft light of the sunset. Even with worries and anxieties, perhaps, like this time, they would eventually turn into beautiful colors. Holding that hope in my heart, I took another deep breath.

As the sunset slowly sank into the horizon, my heart became tranquil. Beautiful things eventually come to an end. However, I believe that this end will give rise to new beauty. Believing this, I stood up from the bench. Tomorrow, I would come again to find new colors, I decided as I made my way home.
