小さな語りシリーズ2024/06/09  Small Story Serie





「君は本当に意地っ張りだな」と、友人が笑いながら言った。「もう少し心を緩ませてもいいんじゃない? 君は確かに意地っ張りだけど、周囲の人を思いやる優しい心も持ってるんだから」気さくな友人の言葉に、彼は初めて自分が周囲にどう見られているのかを真剣に考えた。そして、友人の言葉の奥にある優しさと、彼自身の変わらなさへの寛容さに気づいた。




He stood on the station platform at the same time every morning. At the small counter of the coffee shop, he ordered a café latte and waited for the train to his company, holding a business newspaper in one hand. In his mid-thirties, his colleagues called him "stubborn." This label came from his habit of never bending his opinions and sticking to his own ways. However, he didn't mind this evaluation of him.

One day, while waiting for the train as usual, he suddenly received a message from a middle school friend on his smartphone. The friend wanted to meet up after a long time. He hesitated a little but eventually decided to meet. The meeting place was a small bar near the station. When he arrived, his friend was already seated.

Seeing his friend's smile put him at ease. Their conversation flowed without pause as they talked about old memories and recent events. His friend, unchanged and warm, understood and accepted his stubbornness.

"You really are stubborn," his friend said with a laugh. "But you could relax a little, don't you think? Sure, you're stubborn, but you also have a kind heart that cares about the people around you." For the first time, he seriously thought about how others saw him through his friend's easygoing words. He realized the kindness in his friend's words and the tolerance towards his unchanging nature.

That night, after returning home, he quietly thought in his living room. The reunion with his friend brought him a significant realization. While it's important to stick to his opinions, he felt that sometimes it was necessary to listen to others' opinions too.

The next day, he chose a slightly different path. When ordering his morning café latte, he tried something different from the usual menu. And he decided to spend the day with a new perspective. He began to gradually ease his stubbornness and reconsider his relationships with those around him.

"Let’s take it a bit easier, relax a bit," he lightly told himself, smiling while looking at the sky with a café latte in hand.




