





That day, I was exhausted at the end of a long day. Chased by daily chores, even connections with people felt diluted. Yet, strangely, my heart felt light, and the night breeze was comforting. As the city lights were a distant view, I inadvertently stopped at the edge of the park.

The sky peeking through the trees seemed inviting for some reason. Looking up, under the starry sky, countless stars twinkled. The silence, unimaginable amidst the urban clamor, and the fantastical scenery crafted by the stars' light, captivated my heart.

Long ago, someone had mentioned that looking up at the starry sky holds a mysterious power to connect people. Now, the meaning of those words deeply resonated with me. Each star seemed to create an illusion of connecting me with someone distant. At this moment, someone around the world might be gazing at the same stars. Such imagination warms the heart in an instant.

The fatigue from the long day seemed to vanish, absorbed by the light of the stars. And I realized that it's the small moments in everyday life that create significant connections and memories. Under the starry sky, though supposed to be alone, I felt a profound connection. Such a magical night became a part of my everyday life.
