聖堂 作品、用語解説

大方岳 個展 「聖堂」 


When we talk about praying. It is always associated with religion. However, I don’t think only religious people prays. The definition of the term “praying” depends on individuals but if it is about hoping something that we cannot control and betting on the possibility that best consequence will come in the future, we do it almost every day. In that sense, god is possibility itself. The possibility that enable to change the future, overcome the pain, or whatever people want.
Since I got diagnosed as panic disorder, I have been feeling so powerless, and isolated. I cannot control when panic happens or how my thought will jump to some crazy place. I tried taking note, breathing method, taking pill. Just to bet on the probability that it will end the nausea, palpitation, pain, and chaos in my head. By doing those things, I was looking for a place or moment I can rest, relax or have peace of mind. For me, cathedral is a haven that people can come and put down everything they have from chaotic world and pray. It can be inside, outside, in taste, smell, sound, or even in concept.
So this exhibition is about my personal record of praying and search for a cathedral through my life.


"私"がどこにいるのか、祈る主体としての自己は何者なのかを探る粗悪なミステリー、いびつな神話(Myth)。それがミス•エゴ という祭壇です。
Myth(s). Ego
SO vague. Everything I have done. Everything I want to do.
Something comes up in my mind, seems like good idea. It does not stay in my mind for long though.
Image of myself is always in a blur. Mirage, if you ask what it’s like.
The question about myself continues in circle.
Roots of my desire to paint, to express. Origins of my social identity.
Where it came from? What influenced me?
In this time of Simulationism, I cannot escape from approaches like sampling, copy& paste and appropriation of images.
This is a childish mystery, and unpolish myth about where I come from and where am I going. This altar is a prayer for my ego.



There is some things that can makes be an exit from the crisis.
In the time I got diagnosed about the condition, I made myself a subject of autosuggestion. Autosuggestion that I get better when I do “that”.
Candy was one of them. I have one or two when I got dragged into panic.


心景 (インナーランドスケープ)
Inner Landscape

Movement of mind is depicted as landscape.
Those episodes comes with chaotic abstract image, so imagining landscape contributes to calm.
Wide open space is preferable. Sky, vacant lot, ocean are typical scene in mind.

In Japan, death has always been admired in some manner or form. In the media, death is even portrayed as a thing of beauty. This fantasy on death, I believe, is developed from human weakness and escapism. In this work, I attempted to combine beauty and flowers, still life and death, inspired by old vanitas paintings.
