
Go to the hell?

I took the lesson with teacher N today.

She asked me about my day, and I answered I'd received some items I'd ordered online from the marketplace Rakuten.
These were cup noodles, "Peyang gekikara yakisoba," and "Peyang gokugekikara yakisoba."

My son loves spicy food very much; he'd already tried gekikara and wanted to try gokugekikara, but we couldn't find it at the supermarkets, the convenience stores, and the drugstores nearby, so I bought it from Rakuten.

It is printed with the character of the demon on it, it means very burning, and you might feel hell.
I'll never try it.

Talking about Rakuten, they hold some campaigns.
When we buy something from there, we can receive Rakuten points; usually, we get one point for every 100 yen, but during the campaigns, our points increase two times, three times, or more.
Furthermore, we can multiply several campaigns, and our points might be twenty times or more than usual.

After saving the points, we can use them instead of money; to buy something, of course, at Rakuten shops, supermarkets, drugstores, convenience stores, gas stations, and so on.
In addition, we can use them for paying Rakuten credit card payments.

We bought a new refrigerator last year, and after that, we bought a rice cooker with Rakuten points we received when we purchased the fridge.

I'm constantly checking when the campaigns hold.
She asked me If I'll buy something next, and I answered, "That's enough!"
