
Lux super rich

Hello, there.
I’d love to share something today.

Although today is a weekday, I went to a spa with my husband since he worked on a weekend last month and took a rest day instead.
However, he needs to meet on Zoom in the afternoon; we already returned home.

It was probably one and a half years or more after a long time.

We went to the facility nearby; it consisted of bade zone where visitors had to wear swimwear mixed bathing, including a sauna and a large bathhouse by gender.

We enjoyed a bade and a sauna together, separated, bath each other, and then met up again and had lunch together.

Tempura and cold soba noodles

Although It was only three hours of dating, we had a relaxing day.

That aside, I remembered something while showering there; I had an article about pronouncing “L” and “R.”
Generally, teaching how to pronounce “L” and “R” for Japanese people is difficult.
It said if you are against teaching them, let them read the phrase “Lux Super Rich,” and then they could master it.
Since there was shampoo and conditioner of “Lux super rich” in front of me, I whispered it and made it!
Repeat after me, “Lux super rich,” and you make it, don’t you?

That’s all for today, and see you around.

