
Does it make sense?

Hey there. How's it going? Gentle Gian is here.

A while ago, I visited SPA with my husband.
It has a Bade zone; the area needs to wear swimming wear and mixed bathing.

There were several prohibited matters, and I was curious about one of them.
It said: Public display of affection. (密着行為)
I thought it was a kind of literal translation.
Public: 公
display: 陳列
affection: 愛情
In short, わいせつ物陳列 or 公然わいせつ.

Re: 密着行為,
I found another expression there.
It said: Inappropriate behavior.
Inappropriate: 不適切
behavior: 行動

In my opinion, the second one is more refined and English-like than the first one.
I'd like to know if these expressions make sense.
If someone has any ideas, please let me know.

That's all for today. See you around!

