
My experiences in NZ #13

Hello, there.
I’d love to continue from where I ended last time.

Fateful encounter

I had been still engaging in job hunting after school on weekdays.
On weekends, some students joined in tours such as trekking.

On Monday, one of my classmates who was from Thailand handed me a letter.
According to her, she joined a tour on the weekend, then a Japanese woman talked to her and asked if Gian was at her school, and she applied, “Yes, she is my classmate.”
And then, a Japanese woman asked her to hand a letter to Gian.

It said an unfamiliar name and her phone number on it.
However, we couldn’t handle it anymore.
After considering for a while, I told her I would call a woman.

After returning to my homestay, I was nervous in front of the phone for a long time.
Finally, I decided to call her and pushed the numbers.
After several times ringing the bell, someone answered, and I said to her, “This is Gian speaking. Can I talk to Ms. C, please?”
“Hang on, please.”

After a while, a cheerful Japanese woman was on the phone and said.
C: “This is C. Hello, Gian. How have you been?”

I explained,
G: “Nice to meet you, Ms. C. I received a letter from my classmate today, but I think I’m not the person you’re expecting because I haven’t met you. However, I thought you had been looking forward to calling from another Gian, so I contacted you.”

C: “Oh, sorry, and how kind of you!”

G: “No worries about that! There must be something to us meeting like this; why don’t we meet in person someday?”

C: “That’s a nice idea!”

And then we made an appointment to meet soon.
It started with a mistake, but we became good friends and are still keeping in touch.

That’s all for today, and to be next time.
See you around.

