
My experiences in NZ #8

Hello, there.
I’d love to continue from where I ended last time.

The second day of the language school

On Tuesday, March 10th, 1998, I left homestay and walked to the bus stop, the same as the day before.

A man who talked to me and directed my homestay mentioned the day before appeared again and said to me, “konichiwa,” as well.
I thanked him for his guidance and told him I could arrive at homestay safely, and he fetched the newspaper and returned home.
According to him, he lived with his parents behind the bus stop.

Throughout my previous experience, I could get on and off the bus and arrive at school without problems.

When I arrived at school, I asked a receptionist if I could talk to a counselor, and she arranged for me.

A counselor was the person who had been in charge of my level check test the day before, and I asked her, “I’d like to move to the other class because I can’t catch my teacher, even though I can follow you.”
And then, she told me, “Your ears are tuning now, so why don't you wait for your ears to be ready?”
I followed her advice then.

However, it wasn’t only my problem because I could follow other teachers, so I moved to another class a few days later.

On the way to my homestay, I chitchatted with a man who said, “konichiwa” as well and could get to my homestay without any mistakes on that day.

That’s all for today, and to be next time.
See you around.



