
ガリレオ新訳・英語解説|Winnie-the-Pooh Ch.1 #11


There was no wind to blow him nearer to the tree, so there he stayed. He could see the honey, he could smell the honey, but he couldn't quite reach the honey.
After a little while he called down to you.
‘Christopher Robin!’ he said in a loud whisper.
‘I think the bees suspect something!’
‘What sort of thing?’
‘I don't know. But something tells me that they're suspicious!’
‘Perhaps they think that you’re after their honey?’
‘It may be that. You never can tell with bees.’

blow him nearer to the tree

「風が吹く (blow)ことによって、Pooh (him)が木に近づくように (nearer to the tree)移動する」という関係が成り立つ:

blow {[him] GO (nearer to the tree)}
→ himと nearer to the treeの間に移動 (GO)関係が成立。


2,238字 / 1画像
この記事のみ ¥ 140
