




 これらは,思いのほか,エネルギー資源問題を解説するには大変な作業であり,世間一般の通念(conventional wisdom)が通用しなくなることが,あっという間に起きることが多々ある。たとえば,天然水素であるとか,ペロブスカイト太陽電池であるとか,アメリカが世界最大のエネルギー輸出大国になったとか,核融合技術の社会実装が夢ではなくなりつつあるとか,30年前には科学小説のなかでの話のようなことが現実の話になってきた。

The preparation for the fall semester of university classes: Thursday, September 12, 2024

Japanese university students, like the rest of the world emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, have become increasingly busy. The societal implementation of AI (artificial intelligence) is accelerating, and if we remain complacent, the gap between the top runners and the second group will continue to widen.

While the fundamentals of study and research, regardless of the field, haven't changed much over the years, there is no doubt that the way we study and conduct research is undergoing a major transformation. Additionally, the amount of relevant information in each field has increased tremendously.

The fall semester at the university will begin on September 24. In my course, "Energy Resources Theory," the core of the class remains almost the same as last year, and we continue to use my book Introduction to Energy Economics (published by Nihon Hyoronsha) as the textbook. This year marks the 15th year of the course. While the foundational aspects of energy economics remain the same, to explain real-world issues in a way that students can understand, I must systematically keep track of daily developments in energy situations both domestically and internationally, carbon-neutral initiatives, advancements and developments in energy technology, and trends in climate change policies. Even for matters that are considered factual, I must at least be aware of them, regardless of their truth.

Explaining these topics is an unexpectedly challenging task, as conventional wisdom often becomes outdated quickly. For instance, discussions on natural hydrogen, perovskite solar cells, the U.S. becoming the world's largest energy exporter, and the realization of nuclear fusion technology are all examples of concepts that, 30 years ago, seemed like science fiction but are now becoming part of reality.