
完璧を求めて | Pursuit of Perfection

< COLUMN. vol.16>

(English and Japanese ver.)

  The other day, I discussed about perfection with a friend. It just happened out of nowhere and it became more controversial than I thought. I don’t think that I have answers that I can convince you, but I would like to talk about this with many people and I am curious about what you think ,so I’m going to write my opinions here.  Then you could think about it and let me know what you thought by leaving comments or sending messages.


  Ask a hundred people what they think of seeking for perfection and you’ll likely get a hundred different answers.

Some cling to something beautiful, something new, something organised, something accurate. Some prefer to continue to grow or even feel superior than others. Some consider the behaviour, asking for that you could never get, is exhausting or boring since they think imperfection makes human human. This begs the question: Is pursuing of perfection a good thing or a bad thing ? Is there something that define perfection in the first place?

So, what is perfection? If you ask me, I probably would say that perfection is a sort of goal. We just call causes perfection, in other words, perfection is the best state that is associable own values created from experiences we have ever had, and we strive to get to our own destinations.

Therefore, it’s a bit difficult to define the definition of perfection and it is incomparable to others’ since it fluctuates depending on a person. It can be changed while you get new information and inspired many thoughts piling up in you. The level of perfection may be getting even higher. It’s why people, we, think we cannot get to perfection, and even perfection could be treated as worthless. Or if we cannot make it, that fact makes us feel fairer, or less vales.

City Circle Tram

  Humans are avaricious. We always buck for “ BETTER ” at least. In that phase, we often are tormented by inferiority feelings and struggle with the gap between the ideal and the real, which causes anxiety.

Some are longing for celebrities for good looks or beauty, some admire successful people for assets and some are jealous of people who are free from the shackles of this world and do whatever they love, and seeing those people makes them wish they could be like him/her. In schools or workplaces, you could be more enthusiastic about improving when you failed. When you get heartbroken, you might swear to yourself to be a better person and prove him/her wrong. All those feelings can control us.

Of course that can lead us to the growth, but also that can ruin confidences and take us a chain reaction of negativity. That is to say, we will be unsteady when we look ahead too much. The more seeking for the ideal, the more tending to lose where you are and who you really are.

Royal Arcade

  We think we know who we are and who we want to be, but sometimes, most times, the truth gets in the way of that. They say that asking myself who I really am, facing truly myself which opens my path. But we don’t really do that, and honestly we don’t even imagine how to do it. We know what we need to and what we should do but most of us get easily way out. Some are procrastinating the truth or didn’t try to look it in your eyes.

However, it is necessary to accept yourself and who you are at anytime when you challenge new thing or move to next. It is significant to always keep in your mind being down to earth, or accepting the real since you cannot go anywhere when you don’t know where you are in the present.

And when we manage to look truth in the eye, the person, we are, is finally revealed. Just like everything, the truth comes with consequences, repercussions. Sometimes it’s painful, but sometimes it’s pure joy. Living our own truth isn’t always comfortable. But ultimately, it takes us where we need to go.

A flower shop

  When we talk about perfection, it would be obligated to understand that it’s open to interpretation, or it can be cut and sliced in many different ways. There is millions individual perfection and if people seek for it, then they should do on their own ways and on their own pace.

It cannot be compared with others’ and you don’t have to ask for it if you don’t feel like it. We  should not force the others to do so, and it’s not that those who don’t seek for perfection are people who don’t take on the growth, or anything.

We should speak our mind and tell our story like how close or far we are to the destination rather than we argue that whether it is perfect or not. Even if the result was a bit different from what has been expected, we should be proud of ourselves who could done enough rather than we have a pessimistic attitude toward who we couldn’t.

  Pursuit of perfection is a never ending story, it comes one thing after the next, so you might continuously feel worried and think that you could have been better.

But the truth is, perfection, regardless of good and bad, has been searched because humans keep trying to move forward to be proud of who we are today than who we were yesterday while seeking for the best. And for better or worse, people have goals continue to take a very worthwhile leap towards their own perfection.

Yarra River

*Japanesn ver.





Royal Exhibition Building




Hosier Lane





Swan st.




South Melbroune Market






