
中・高 #2-1: In the morning 朝、何をしますか?(前)



今回は、「In the morning」をトピックに、生徒同士のペアワークを行い、生徒自身の思考を促し、自分の考えを自分の言葉で表現し、さらに相手が話したことを他に伝えることを目指した授業での展開例を紹介します。

【展開例】 生徒自身の考えを伝え合い、相手が話したことをクラス全体に共有する

トピックは「In the morning」です。教師が話す時間を多く取らず、生徒同士で伝え合う活動を重視します。

T: What time do you get up in the morning? Usually, I get up at six. It’s so hard for me to get up in the morning.

- What do you do just after you get up in the morning?

S1, what do you do just after you get up in the morning?

S1: I eat breakfast.
T: Really? I don’t think so. You do something before that.
S1: What do I do?
T: You search for your glasses, don’t you?
S1: Oh, yes, I do.
T: What does your partner do just after he/she gets up?


What do you just after you get up in the morning?は、ペアでお互いに質問させます。


T: - Do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast? I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast, but I know some people brush their teeth before they eat breakfast.

- Do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast?

S2, do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast?

S2: No, I don’t. I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast.
T: How about your partner? Does he/she brush his/her teeth before he/she eats breakfast?


Do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast?は、ペアでお互いに質問させます。


T: How many times do you brush your teeth a day? I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast and just before I go to bed.

- How many times do you brush your teeth a day?

S3, how many times do you brush your teeth a day?

S3: I brush my teeth twice a day.
T: Then, how many times does your partner brush his/her teeth a day?
S3: He brushes his teeth just once a day.





今回は「In the morning」をトピックとした展開例をご紹介しました。どうかこの展開例を参考に、先生方ご自身ならどのように生徒に問い掛け、やり取りをするかを考えてみてください。次回は、このやり取りについて、さらに展開例を示しながら、この活動の意図と目的について考えます。