
中・高 #2-2: In the morning 朝、何をしますか?(後)



前回は「In the morning」をトピックに、教師による話題提示と質問、生徒間でのインターアクション、そして全体での共有という流れの展開例を紹介しました。



T: What time do you get up in the morning? Usually, I get up at six. It’s so hard for me to get up in the morning.

- What do you do just after you get up in the morning?

S1, what do you do just after you get up in the morning?

S1: I eat breakfast.
T: Really? I don’t think so. You do something before that.
S1: What do I do?
T: You search for your glasses, don’t you?
S1: Oh, yes, I do.
T: What does your partner do just after he/she gets up?

S1: She searches for her smartphone and checks it.
T: Uh-huh. For sure, everyone does it. Everyone, do you check your phone just after you get up?


What do you do just after you get up in the morning?
という質問は難しいものではなく、誰でも答えられるものですが、多くの生徒は、あまり考えずに定番のI eat my breakfast. という答えで「逃げよう」とするでしょう。



T: - Do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast? I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast, but I know some people brush their teeth before they eat breakfast.

- Do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast?

S2, do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast?

S2: No, I don’t. I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast.
T: How about your partner? Does he/she brush his/her teeth before he/she eats breakfast?

S2: He brushes his teeth before he eats breakfast.
T: O.K, everyone, how many of you brush your teeth after you eat breakfast? Raise your hand if you brush your teeth after you eat breakfast.


Do you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast?



なお、この質問は、Do you brush your teeth before you wash your face? と言い換えてもよいでしょう。

T: How many times do you brush your teeth a day? I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast and just before I go to bed. 

- How many times do you brush your teeth a day?

T: S3, how many times do you brush your teeth a day?

T: S3, how many times do you brush your teeth a day?
S3: I brush my teeth twice a day.
T: Then, how many times does your partner brush his/her teeth a day?
S3: He brushes his teeth three times a day.
T: Oh, three times a day! I have an advice. If you brush your teeth too much, it might damage your teeth. So, be careful. You should not brush your teeth too much.


中学3年生や高校1年生でも How many times do you … a day? という質問を使ってのやり取りはあまり多く経験していないかも知れませんね。授業冒頭のSmall Talkでこの表現を扱うことで、「復習」や「定着」を図ることができます。

ここで紹介した展開例のように、①ペアでのやり取り、②指導者とのやり取り、③全体での共有という流れのなかでは、同じ表現が繰り返して使われます。「使って覚える」- learn through doing の1つの例と言えるでしょう。


今回は「In the morning」をトピックとした展開例をご紹介しました。コミュニケーションの目的や場面、状況に応じたやり取り、つまり「コンテクストが設定されたやり取り」を通じて、生徒がコミュニケーションに積極的に向かう態度を引き出していきたいものです。