
中・高 # 1-2: Spring has come! 春が来たよ!(後)





【展開例】 生徒自身の考えを伝え合い、相手が話したことをクラス全体に共有する

T: Spring has come! Winter is over! Are you happy/excited?
Personally I am very happy now simply because I don’t like cold weather.

-Do you like spring? Why?
Ask the question to your partner. Then ask why?
(Ask your partner if he/she likes spring? Then Why?)

Now, S1, does your partner like spring? Why does /doesn’t he/she like spring?

S1: Yes, she does. She likes to see cherry blossoms.
T: Oh, I like to see cherry blossoms, too. Do you like spring, S1?
S1: Actually, I don’t like spring. In spring, sometimes we have to say good-bye to our friends.
T: What do you mean?
S1: When we graduate from schools, we have to say good-bye to our friends.
T: In spring, you make new friends, too.
S1: That’s true.


Do you like spring? Why?


T: -What do you think of when you hear the word “spring”?
As for me, I would say new students, new classes and new colleagues.

Now, S2, what does your partner think of when he/she hears the word “spring”?

S2: She thinks of cherry blossom.
T: Yes, many people think of cherry blossom when they hear the word “spring.” Then, how about you?
S2: Well, I think of a strong wind. In spring sometimes it is so windy. Sometimes it wakes me up in the morning. Oh, I think of the yellow dust from China, too.

What do you think of…? という質問に対しては、生徒はそれぞれ自分の考えを答えることになります。

この質問の場合は、多くの生徒が定番のcherry blossomと答えて「逃げよう」としますが、それでよしとしてしまうと、彼らの「逃げ」を認めることになり、コミュニケーションの授業として発展していかなくなってしまいます。



T: When does spring begin here in Japan? Officially spring begins on March 20th and ends on June 21st.

-When does spring begin in Tokyo / Sapporo?
(When do you think spring begins in Tokyo / Sapporo?)

T: Then, when does spring begin in Sydney?
(Then, when do you think spring begins in Sydney?)

O.K. Now it’s spring here in Japan. In Sydney Australia it’s….?
In Australia, spring begins on September 1st and ends on November 30th.




T: What are seasonal foods in Spring. I would say…. bamboo shoots.
I love bamboo shoots rice and bamboo shoots tempura.

What seasonal food in spring do you like? I love “sansai.”
What is “sansai” in English?
Interestingly it is “wild vegetables” or “mountain vegetables.”

S3, what seasonal food in spring do you like?

S3: I love asparagus. I love strawberries, too.
T: You said you love asparagus. Which do you like, green one or white one?
S3: I like green one better.




春の魚について触れ、Can you write “sawara” in Chinese character?”と質問して、答えの「鰆」を板書してもよいでしょう。realia + triviaを用いた授業展開の例です。